Benchmarker Plugin - Compare function speeds with graphs, percentiles, and more!

Feature request: Add an option for Benchmarker to yield every X seconds, i.e. 0.1 or so, during benchmarking. This would allow me to run benchmarks for many minutes while I work on other things. Having it enabled could also add a Cancel button to the “Running benchmark…” screen.

Enable numbers of calls larger than 10k, but only when the yield option is enabled.

It would also give a bit more varied results when the functions being benchmarked include wildcards like (which many of your library benchmarks do use, which is kind of a bad practice but whatever), although that’s not always desirable, hence the optionality.

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I really want to buy this plugin, but I didn’t before because via robux it was like really expensive and just wasn’t worth it for the shares that Roblox would get, but, now I’ve noticed it moved to a real purchase thing, but now I can’t buy it, because, itch will not use the debit function (and might not be able to do so as I’m not on the USA), and I can’t use credit or use PayPal (as I’m -18), my bank does have an option for buying things with credit but working just like debit, but it won’t work for international purchases, so it doesn’t work either. Do you know like any other method that I could use to purchase Benchmarker? (apart from Robux which isn’t even a thing right now)


I was gonna buy this with Robux just now, after not being able to afford it a couple months ago, and now it’s in real currency :confused: Huge letdown


I hypothesize that this is most likely a result of the unfair treatment plugin makers get when they try to sell their plugins for robux

not only do people barely ever buy plugins
roblox takes a HUGE portion of the robux they deserve

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Version 7 is here! This is a full rewrite of Benchmarker from the ground up.

There’s a ton of things to talk about, but here’s the highlights:

  • New UI for better UX
    • No more selecting files in Explorer! Benchmarker finds and lists them for you, along with a button to pop into the file
    • Better ease of use and feels native to Studio
    • Intuitive and pretty design
  • More accurate results
    • Better handling of garbage collection
    • Better Profiler internals
    • Better visualizations (both in clear design and accurate representation)
  • Better error handling and foolproofing
    • Will inform you of test errors
    • Will prevent you from running tests that are inaccurate or crash risks
  • Persistent results w/ Team Create support
    • Stores results as compressed attributes on the bench file, allowing you to check/share results without running every time

Didn’t mention in the patch notes cuz it was minor but the new + button inserts a barebones one, and the beginner template can be accessed from the library for those who need the aid.

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Unsure if this is due to light theme, but the ModuleScript icon displayed is the default one, despite me using Elttob’s Vanilla theme.
ModuleScripts in the explorer are displayed correctly.

I don’t set the image myself, that’s the studio service returning the wrong class icon. Not sure how or why, but if you can find a repro go ahead and file a bug report.

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StudioService:GetClassIcon doesn’t know respect the latest icon update, so make a feature request.


I want the price in AED (Arab Emirates Dirhams) though great plugin!

also forgot one thing, why does it use the greek letter Mu “μ”?

ms = millisecond
μs = microsecond

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so you use the greek letter mu for microsecond? I know a bit of greek so it kind of makes sense to me

Yeah that’s just the standard notation for microseconds

I was wondering, if you ever could make a function where you can benchmark normal scripts, which would be awesome.

Hello, i have some issue with optimizing script where i got some memories leak, microprofiler is kinda hard to use and i was wondering if this plugin could help to understand and find issue in code easly or is this usefull for other type of problems, Thanks !

This plugin would be the bomb if it could be purchased through robux :expressionless:


Hi, same I would pay even 2x the 5$ DevEx Rate of around 3k


Bump, any chance we could purchase the plugin using Robux?