Best 3D module to use in UIs

For the past years, I’ve known CloneTroopers’ 3D module is widely used but I’m sure it was released quite a long time ago now and I’m wondering if there’s any suggested, recommended modules which would prove as better as clone’s.
Anyone who knows any other modules which is updated from his version or even completely different who could give comparison in difference is much appreciated for my peace of mind

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As far as Ik, thats still the best one.

I have seen plenty of people mod the module, but nothing that has been released.

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I would recommend looking into my V4 of it, since it better handles distortion when the object is far from the center of the screen.

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I used this one for Egg Hunt 2018, should do the job.


Yeah I’d suspect nothing much has changed

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Thank you. Is that the differentiation between Clones and yours?

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Basically what I already posted and performance are the only reasons to go with mine.


Alright, thank you, much appreciated.

Take care

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