Best FREE Antivirus

My rocket game is BUILT on free models. I’m not a builder so hopefully we can get some soon. I have an antivirus called Server Defender right now, it seems to have done really well at Identifying threats. I’m just not sure if it’s very good at detecting other things. Any suggestions on good antiviruses?

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Since your game is reliant on free models, I would recommend using @pa00’s plugin, Venom. It automatically quarantines all scripts in added toolbox models, and it allows you to view the scripts and approve or reject them.

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I strongly suggest checking if free models have suspicious scripts yourself, it’s not that hard.


Just save yourself time, and check for viruses yourself.

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First of all, I’d heavily suggest you try to replace the freemodel scripts with your own scripts as soon as possible. Then, you will no longer have to worry about viruses if you’re careful about your plugins.


I know this isn’t a model Im suggesting but you can check the players velocity and if the player is moving to fast reset them or even kick them, this helps for fly hackers or speed hackers.

The best free antivirus is always you.

If you cannot avoid free models, then you should try using Pick. You can use it to easily scan a free model for viruses, but it doesn’t work with plugins.