Best method for a melee combat system?

Soon I’ll be working on a combat system I want to make as advanced as possible, only issue is; I’m not sure what the best ways to make it are.
As for I as know there’s like .Touched and RayCast to detect a hitbox but I’m not sure if there’s anything better.


There is the raycast hitbox by @TeamSwordphin:

It’s useful to make realistic real-time hit detection.
Something you could also do is create a hitbox part and use the :GetTouchingParts() function to detect if there are any character models inside the hitbox part…


here is another hitboxing system similar to @Scripter_Joe 's

try not to use .touched when using fast moving objects, such as bullets or swords, it has a significant delay.


Thanks, I’ve always seen these in games though I never knew it was just an open source module

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