Hello Everyone! So not too long ago i was working on a simple script that would makes holes in a Gui(frames) by using a frame as the hole to cut out of another frame. It “works” but i realized a problem, it doesn’t work with more than one frame nor does it work when either the hole( frame representing where a hole should be) or the frame(the Gui the hole is in) Gui is rotated, i found the math to be off in some aspects or at least i didn’t like how i calculated things:
Here is a visualization of what i mean (useful if i didn't explain well):
This is what it does right now (which is great):
Here’s what using multiple frames does( the outcome is no good):
Rotating The Frame:( i believe it’s because i should be making more frames to fill in the gap in between the hole frame and the other parts of the frame( if that makes sense))
Code (warning it's messy)
local FILLING_ = false
local Runservice = game:GetService("RunService")
local Mouse = game.Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse()
function MakeLine( Line, StartPoint, EndPoint, ThicknessX,ThicknessY ) ---Make Line
local startX, startY = StartPoint[1], StartPoint[2]
local endX, endY = EndPoint[1], EndPoint[2]
Line.AnchorPoint = Vector2.new(0.5, 0.5)
Line.Size = UDim2.new(ThicknessX, ((endX - startX) ^ 2 + (endY - startY) ^ 2) ^ 0.5,0, ThicknessY)
Line.Position = UDim2.new(0, (startX + endX) / 2, 0, (startY + endY) / 2)
Line.Rotation = math.atan2(endY - startY, endX - startX) * (180 / math.pi)
function isTouching(Gui1, Gui2)
local TopLeftGui1 = Gui1.AbsolutePosition
local BottomRightGui1 = TopLeftGui1 + Gui1.AbsoluteSize
local TopLeftGui2 = Gui2.AbsolutePosition
local BottomRightGui2 = TopLeftGui2 + Gui2.AbsoluteSize
return ((TopLeftGui1.x < BottomRightGui2.x and BottomRightGui1.x > TopLeftGui2.x) and (TopLeftGui1.y < BottomRightGui2.y and BottomRightGui1.y > TopLeftGui2.y))
function FillAroundObject(lines , Screen,GuiObject ) --Connect Lines, Messy ):
local Start = GuiObject
local GlobalLineSizeY = 0
if isTouching(Start, Screen) then
local AbSolDiffX1 = (Screen.AbsolutePosition.X + Screen.AbsoluteSize.X/2) - (Start.AbsolutePosition.X + Start.AbsoluteSize.X/2)
local AbSolDiffY1 = ( (Screen.AbsolutePosition.Y + Screen.AbsoluteSize.Y/2) - (Start.AbsolutePosition.Y + Start.AbsoluteSize.Y/2))
if ( (Start.AbsolutePosition.Y + Start.AbsoluteSize.Y )- (Screen.AbsolutePosition.Y + Screen.AbsoluteSize.Y) ) < 1 then
MakeLine( lines.B, { (Start.AbsolutePosition.X + Start.AbsoluteSize.X/2) + AbSolDiffX1 , Start.AbsolutePosition.Y + Start.AbsoluteSize.Y } , { (Start.AbsolutePosition.X + Start.AbsoluteSize.X/2) + AbSolDiffX1 , Screen.AbsolutePosition.Y + Screen.AbsoluteSize.Y } , 0 , Screen.AbsoluteSize.X )
lines.B.Visible = true
lines.B.Visible = false
if (Start.AbsolutePosition.X - Screen.AbsolutePosition.X ) > 1 then
MakeLine( lines.L1, { Start.AbsolutePosition.X , (Start.AbsolutePosition.Y + Start.AbsoluteSize.Y/2) + AbSolDiffY1 } , { Screen.AbsolutePosition.X , (Start.AbsolutePosition.Y + Start.AbsoluteSize.Y/2 ) + AbSolDiffY1 } , 0 , Screen.AbsoluteSize.Y )
lines.L1.Visible = true
lines.L1.Visible = false
if (Start.AbsolutePosition.X + Start.AbsoluteSize.X )- (Screen.AbsolutePosition.X + Screen.AbsoluteSize.X ) < 1 then
MakeLine( lines.L2, { Start.AbsolutePosition.X + Start.AbsoluteSize.X , (Start.AbsolutePosition.Y + Start.AbsoluteSize.Y/2) + AbSolDiffY1 } , { Screen.AbsolutePosition.X + Screen.AbsoluteSize.X , (Start.AbsolutePosition.Y + Start.AbsoluteSize.Y /2 ) + AbSolDiffY1 } , 0 , Screen.AbsoluteSize.Y )
lines.L2.Visible = true
lines.L2.Visible = false
if (Start.AbsolutePosition.Y - Screen.AbsolutePosition.Y ) > 1 then
MakeLine( lines.T, { ( Start.AbsolutePosition.X + Start.AbsoluteSize.X/2) + AbSolDiffX1 , Start.AbsolutePosition.Y } , { ( Start.AbsolutePosition.X + Start.AbsoluteSize.X/2 ) + AbSolDiffX1 , Screen.AbsolutePosition.Y } , 0 , Screen.AbsoluteSize.X)
lines.T.Visible = true
lines.T.Visible = false
function Splice(Obj, Screen,Color)
local Handler = Instance.new("Folder", script.Parent)
local L1, L2, T, B = Instance.new("Frame", Handler), Instance.new("Frame", Handler), Instance.new("Frame", Handler), Instance.new("Frame", Handler)
L1.Name = "L1"
L2.Name = "L2"
T.Name = "T"
B.Name = "B"
L1.BorderSizePixel = 0
L2.BorderSizePixel = 0
T.BorderSizePixel = 0
B.BorderSizePixel = 0
L1.BackgroundColor3 = Color
L2.BackgroundColor3 = Color
B.BackgroundColor3 = Color
T.BackgroundColor3 = Color
L1.AnchorPoint = Vector2.new(0.5,0.5)
L2.AnchorPoint = Vector2.new(0.5,0.5)
T.AnchorPoint = Vector2.new(0.5,0.5)
B.AnchorPoint = Vector2.new(0.5,0.5)
FillAroundObject(Handler, Screen, Obj)
function GetCollidingGui(Screen, Obj)
for i,v in ipairs(Screen) do
if v and v~= Obj and v:IsA("Frame") then
if isTouching(v,Obj ) and v.BackgroundTransparency <1 then
Splice(Obj, v, Color3.fromRGB(44, 223, 12) )
v.BackgroundTransparency = 1
GetCollidingGui(script.Parent:GetDescendants(), script.Parent.Obj)
A Brief explanation of the original method i used: Essentially, the way i did things was i created four frames, made them into lines and i connected each side of lets say Part A ( Gui object that would represent the hole ) to the adjacent/corresponding side of the Gui it was inside(Part B). Then i would determine the size according to size of PartB( the gui that i was putting a hole in).
So, now that brings me to my question, if there are any other methods or algorithms i can look into to split a 2D based Gui object into Geometric Shapes(squares, triangles, quadrilaterals in general etc.) , what are they and how could i possibly apply them to Roblox ?
Examples of what i somewhat want to achieve
Blue: Is where the holes are
Black: Are the actual frames, as a result of splitting up a GUI
Here is a dev forum posts similar to what i am trying to replicate:
Negative GUI elements - #3 by FearMeIAmLag
Note: i am more or less seeking the math and logic behind calculating what shapes, size and positioning are needed to fill in a 2d shape(in this case mostly quadrilaterals)! Also by Dynamically i mean allowing the Gui and Hole Size to be manipulated, but still have the areas around the hole be freely adjusted(automatically).
Any Help, comments or thoughts are appreciated, even if you tell me that it’s practically impossible to do in Roblox then feel free to do so, if you have any questions please let me know!
(Ps: i know that Roblox is limited as far as gui shapes go, that’s why i think methods using quadrilaterals will only really work for splitting GUI objects up)
Thank you for reading, sry for such a long post…