Best prevention methods for exploits in FPS

I wanna prefice by saying I know it’s impossible to fully snub out exploiters in FPS games, however I wanna do as much as I can to catch out the average exploiter.

I am using FastCast and at the moment the client handles virtually everything. So when you hit a player (on the client) it sends a remote event to the server telling you hit the player, and the server does basic sanity checks, but there’s nothing really solid there.

--// Player hit (server)
local function Hit(player, playerHit)
	if player == playerHit then return end -- Creator can't tag themselves
	local Teams = GameSettings:GetAttribute("Teams")
	if player.Team == playerHit.Team and Teams then return end -- Can't tag your own team
	local Humanoid = playerHit.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
	if not Humanoid then return end
	-- Create all values associated with Creator
	local CreatorValue ="ObjectValue")
	CreatorValue.Name = "Creator"
	CreatorValue.Value = player
	-- Player's level
	local LevelValue ="NumberValue")
	LevelValue.Name = "Level"
	LevelValue.Value = player.PlayerData.Level.Value
	LevelValue.Parent = CreatorValue
	-- Gun used
	local EquippedValue ="StringValue")
	EquippedValue.Name = "Equipped"
	EquippedValue.Value = player.PlayerData.Equipped.Value
	EquippedValue.Parent = CreatorValue
	-- Get distance
	--local Distance = (result.Position - cast.UserData.Origin).Magnitude
	if Distance >= 100 then -- Longshot
		local Longshot ="Folder")
		Longshot.Name = "Longshot"
		Longshot.Parent = CreatorValue
	if Hit.Name == "Head" then -- Headshot
		local Headshot ="Folder")
		Headshot.Name = "Headshot"
		Headshot.Parent = CreatorValue
	CreatorValue.Parent = Humanoid
	Humanoid:TakeDamage(100) -- Kill player

When a player shoots, I do tell the server this, and the server also does FastCast, but I was having problems with the servers FastCast hit detection not being great, where your client would say you hit a player, but the servers FastCast would say you missed. Is there a way I could connect the client and servers bullets (so if the clients bullet says they hit someone, I could check the servers bullet and see if its like close enough to hit the player?)

--// Bullet fired (server)
local function FireBullet(player, mousePosition, firePoint)
	local Character = player.Character
	if not Character then return end
	local WeaponModel = Character:FindFirstChild("Weapon")
	if not WeaponModel then return end
	local Weapon = WeaponModel:GetAttribute("Weapon")
	local WeaponFolder = Weapons:FindFirstChild(Weapon)
	if not WeaponFolder then return end
	local Config = WeaponFolder:FindFirstChild("Config")
	if not Config then return end
	local SPEED = Config:GetAttribute("Speed")
	local GRAVITY = Config:GetAttribute("Gravity")
	CastParams.FilterDescendantsInstances = {Character, Splatter}
	if GameSettings:GetAttribute("Teams") then -- Team based gamemode
		CastParams.CollisionGroup = player.Team.Name == "Blue" and "BluePaint" or "RedPaint"
	-- Set up cast behavior
	local CastBehavior = FastCast.newBehavior()
	CastBehavior.RaycastParams = CastParams
	CastBehavior.Acceleration =, -GRAVITY, 0)
	local Origin = firePoint
	local Direction = (mousePosition - Origin).Unit
	local ActiveCast = Caster:Fire(Origin, Direction, SPEED, CastBehavior) -- Fire shot
	ActiveCast.UserData = {
		Creator = player,
		Origin = Origin
	for _, v in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
		if v == player then continue end


I’ve read through these forum posts, but still struggling to get a grasp on the best ways of preventing exploits

I have made several functions to compare the projectile path between server and client which should help.

First is the wall check checking if it hits a wall, second is the projectile path from when the bullet was fired compared to the time it was hit.

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