Best way of 'hiding' assets in mesh intensive environments?

Hi I am making a game with a placement system and the player can customize there plots with a ton of assets. In order to prevent lags I was planning on only loading the plot that the player is closest to. However, I was planning on just parenting the other plots to a folder in replicated storage on the client in a local script. I wanted to know if this is a feasible method or if there are any other ways in which this can be accomplished?

I think the best way to hide stuff is just to parent them to a folder in replicated storage like you said, or destroy() them if you never need them again. I don’t think there is a better way of ‘hiding’ assets to the player than the one you mentioned.

this won’t make a difference memory wise. the parts are there but just put in the replicated storage. there isn’t really a proper way to do it aside from chunkloading which could (depending on how good someone’s computer is) lag or not.

Can you explain how to do chunkloading or link an article then? Also I have a game where I use terrain maps and put the terrain in replicated storage and they are fairly big. When the game loads it picks a terrain and loads it in. Should I delete all the other terrains or do they not matter since they’re in replicated storage? <This question is related to the topic because Romeo can understand memory issues with replicated storage better.

hope this helps

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A chunk loading system is basically when u parent the models that dont needed to be loaded to nil and then parent them back to workspace when needed.

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If you destroy the parts on the client side would it make a difference memory wise? I also think that parenting them to replicated storage still helps because they are not looking at the polygons anymore.

Chunkloading and selective streaming accomplish one of the same thing in fully Lua-implemented solutions; reparenting to a storage container. The instances are still replicated and held in memory. Doesn’t mean it causes lag.

By hiding a plot within ReplicatedStorage, you still take up memory to have those instances replicated so the bottleneck lies with your own computer. Getting rid of parts from the Workspace takes them out of the equation for rendering, which significantly reduces lag. Parts in a storage don’t get simulated or rendered.

It makes a relatively big difference but not in the way you think it does.

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did not know that. i work with several different engines (including roblox studio) which get confusing sometimes. good to know it works like that aswell.