could i do what they said, but i put 1 Script and all Local scripts are under it and disabled, and the 1 Script checks if the GameStartedValue is true, and enables all of the scripts? (can the GameStartedValue be in workspace/replicatedstorage?
if not game:IsLoaded() then
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(i meant game as in a Round, not the actual game lol)
Possibly, depends entirely on the case. Just keep in mind that local scripts only work in Backpack, StarterPlayerScripts, in character and starter gui. So for example if your local script is in workspace, it just wont run.
But you can for example put a server script in character, and local scripts under it. The local scripts will work when you enable them because they are still considered child (descendant) of the character
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this is what i did and it turned out well
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