Best way to create a Global Marketplace?

I’m trying to find a way to create a global marketplace system, where I can change the cost of in game items and have them update inside the game without having to shut down servers or worse, manually go into studio and change the prices (which can become very tedious and time consuming)

I’ve had a look round the wiki, hub and here for something, but there doesn’t seem to be any info on Global marketplaces. I’m positive there is a way to do it though.

I know I’d have to use HttpService (which I’ve never really used before fully) but I’m willing to learn. The only site I think could work well with this is Google Spreadsheets, as that would be easy to put down item names, costs, any other data, etc. Any advice would be great! :smiley: Or if you have a suggestion for a better site to use for storing this kind of data

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The best way to do it would probably be to save the prices in a datastore and use OnUpdate in-game. Keep in mind though that OnUpdate is broken and requires extra measures to work.

But then I’d have to go into studio and do it from there? I want a way to just be able to do it say from my phone on the go or something.

If you want to be able to do it from your phone then yeah you’ll need to use HttpService and a third party website like trello (or make you’re own if you’re feeling up to it).

If you want to do trello, this might help.

Edit: If you still want to do datastores, you could also join the game on your phone and run a command in the command bar on mobile, if you prefer to take that road.

I would recommend just using @Merely’s soft shutdown.

This isn’t relevant to OP’s problem. They want to be able to edit prices of a shop outside of the game and/or studio.

As previously suggested, using httpservice with a third party website is probably the best bet.

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Here’s an interesting approach which would avoid the hassle of HttpService:

  1. Setup a datastore dedicated to storing your marketplace information

  2. Create a function inside of a disabled script. This function retrieves all the marketplace information in-studio then saves it to the datastore (using :SetAsync())

  3. Whenever you change your marketplace information, run the function (from the disabled script) in the studio command bar. This will update the datastore. Make sure ‘Enable Studio Access to API Services’ is enabled to do this. You can enable this by going to ‘Configure this game’.

  4. Every 1 minute in-game, call GetAsync on the datastore. Compare this data between the server’s current data. If they are different, replace the existing data with the new data.

Benefits to this system:

  • Relatively easy to setup
  • Avoids the hassle of using HttpService
  • Data can be updated and retrieved quickly

I suggest waiting a few months until universe scripts come out as they might make your task much easier.

This doesn’t answer OP’s request though. He wants to use HttpService, not avoid it, so he can update prices live and whatnot. Depending on the complexity of his market, this could get confusing too.

Having done this with both Trello and Google Spreadsheets, I definitely recommend Google. In my opinion, it’s quicker and much easier

The best way I could think to do it is to use HttpService and set up an SQL database with MySQL or MariaDB and refresh that every so often.

The issue with ROBLOX is that HttpService and Datastores are rate limited which can get annoying and extremely limiting.

The best thing to do is set up your own server or use a google spreadsheet. The worst thing you can do is use trello, stay well away from Trello for the love of god.

This is bare bones of it and heavily simplified. I am trying to sum up what everyone else said into one visual chart.

Like what Geckoco said, don’t use Trello for god sakes. Make your own database server using MySQL or another method. Do security checks and you’ll need a method of syncing up the server or having an HTTP service update method.

Still haven’t really gotten an ‘answer’ on how to make this :confused:

Google spreadsheets + HttpService?

You can set up a macro app for free but it has limitations, you’ll have to look them up. There are other posts on the DevForum showing similar systems:

Google spreadsheets has a very easy-to-use and fast app that you can get on your phone. It’s very useful. :stuck_out_tongue:


You can use this URL to get asset ids.

This page explains how to use it:

On an external server (or on your own computer) you can run this to get the categories:
curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' ''

And for the subcatagories:
curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' ''

As defined at:

This API should be expanding and it is subject to change without notice.

You can find this and other APIs at:

or by using a DNS checking service for subdomains.

Once you have asset IDs you can use MarketplaceService:GetProductInfo() in your games to get the most up to date information, or use the marketplace api.

Is that what you’re looking for?

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Take look at this video tutorial using firebase website and robase module

You can edit your price item dont need to go in game or studio and any changes get updated for all servers not one server

Take look in module tutorial too

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