Best way to create house roofs (with wedges)

Hello, I’ve been trying to create a house and ran into a problem that I can’t figure out.

What would be the best way to layer a roof onto these wedges?

As you can see from the other roofs, I’m trying to layer a green roof that hangs off the wedges. However, it’s really difficult with this shape (two corner wedges combined).

Solutions I tried:

  1. Unions and Negations (turned out very sloppy and didn’t look at great)
  2. Gap fill plugin (same thing as #1)

Any help is appreciated, thanks!

Maybe one of my replies from this post may help you.

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Thanks for the response, though it’s not quite what I’m looking for because that’s just the sides of the roof.

I actually found a decent solution to my problem.

First step, get a triangle mesh from the toolbox and align it with the wedge:

Second step, use gap fill on the edges:

It’s not perfect and leaves some bad spots (like the corners and how the roof bends). I’ll wait for some more responses before marking this is the solution.

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My bad! Sorry for the misunderstanding. Have you tried using corner wedges for your roof?


Yea I did the front with corner edges, but I mean the actual layering part (green)

I tried unioning it and doing any methods that I know. Unfortunately, this is the closest thing I can get
(underside of the roof)

Even if I tried to remove the clipping, it’s still sloppy.

Maybe you can try using external software such as Blender. This is as far as I know.

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If I understand correctly, this is how I would do it.


What plugin was that on the left?

I first used ResizeAlign and then GapFill (GapFill is the one with arrows). Then back to ResizeAlign to adjust the part GapFill created.

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Extrude your side roofs, add the end tile to finish your roof then 4 unions to cut off excess tiles. This should result in a clean finish for your roof.