Best way to create house roofs (with wedges)

Hello, I’ve been trying to create a house and ran into a problem that I can’t figure out.

What would be the best way to layer a roof onto these wedges?

As you can see from the other roofs, I’m trying to layer a green roof that hangs off the wedges. However, it’s really difficult with this shape (two corner wedges combined).

Solutions I tried:

  1. Unions and Negations (turned out very sloppy and didn’t look at great)
  2. Gap fill plugin (same thing as #1)

Any help is appreciated, thanks!

Maybe one of my replies from this post may help you.


Thanks for the response, though it’s not quite what I’m looking for because that’s just the sides of the roof.

I actually found a decent solution to my problem.

First step, get a triangle mesh from the toolbox and align it with the wedge:

Second step, use gap fill on the edges:

It’s not perfect and leaves some bad spots (like the corners and how the roof bends). I’ll wait for some more responses before marking this is the solution.

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My bad! Sorry for the misunderstanding. Have you tried using corner wedges for your roof?


Yea I did the front with corner edges, but I mean the actual layering part (green)

I tried unioning it and doing any methods that I know. Unfortunately, this is the closest thing I can get
(underside of the roof)

Even if I tried to remove the clipping, it’s still sloppy.

Maybe you can try using external software such as Blender. This is as far as I know.

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If I understand correctly, this is how I would do it.


What plugin was that on the left?

I first used ResizeAlign and then GapFill (GapFill is the one with arrows). Then back to ResizeAlign to adjust the part GapFill created.

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Extrude your side roofs, add the end tile to finish your roof then 4 unions to cut off excess tiles. This should result in a clean finish for your roof.