Best way to create rhythm for my rhythm game?

Hmmm, ok I’ll give that a shot :smiley:

Small note, can do

if not sound.IsLoaded then 

Probably a bit more efficient than using a loop :grimacing:

Comepletely forgot about :Wait() :sweat_smile:

The game looks good so far :eyes:

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Is there a specific way you set speed for the notes? You have ‘difficulty’ however, surely the speed should be determined based on a songs BPM, so the notes actually line up?

Wasn’t really sure how to calculate bpm unfortunately :confused:

All I came up with is based on the difficulty it takes less time for it to tween the notes from start to finish. We are pretty limited with sound properties at the moment, so making a rhythm game without pre-made songs is very difficult.

Earlier in the thread I literally made OP a fully functional procedural beat-creating function. It’s not exactly that difficult.

If you want to calculate BPM use a tempo-tapper that the player can press. Use something like this inside Heartbeat (with delta) (all the vars should be declared = 0 outside heartbeat)

if tapped then
beats += 1
counting = true
count = 0

if counting then
time += delta
count += delta

if count > 1 then
counting = false
beats = 0
time = 0

local BPM = math.round((beats / time) * 60)

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