Best way to get the limited's price

Hello, im started to make a game called “Scamming Simulator”. I made a table for limited item’s IDs etc.
But i just wanted to know how to get the Value and Rap of the limited. Thanks for the helps!

If i am correct, you can use to return the information of any marketplace item, you just need to http request using as a argument the item’s id. It will return a table of all of the information of that item, including pricing.

Edit: nevermind, the http service is not allowed to contact any roblox website, such as and

As far as I know this is all the catalog API:

You should check out these posts to see if they help you in any way:

Also this may help (change assetId):

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Unfortunely, there’s no way to request to those websites because you’re not allowed tor request to any roblox website using httpservice.

Its not problem. I can make a proxy or smth like it

The way to do it without HttpService is MarketplaceService:GetProductInfo.