Hello Everyone! I am writing this because I can’t seem to figure out a stable way to handle tool animations.
What do you mean by “Handling tool animations”?
What I mean by that is for example: Having an idle animation play as soon as the tool is equipped, and smoothly transitioning into a custom run/walk animation when the player is running/walking with the tool.
What solutions have you tried so far?
I’ve tried multiple solutions such as:
- Detecting whenever a player is running and cancelling the idle animation (which is always on loop) to play a run animation
- Modifying the player’s Animate script which is a default script within every player’s character
What are the main problems with the previously tried solutions?
- “Detecting whenever a player is running and cancelling the idle animation” - The main issue is that it’s not smooth within transitions of animation, for example: An Idle animation will have the tool be out of sync while the character is already starting the running animation
- “Modifying the player’s Animate script” - The main issue here is when the animate script is modified, you’d have to move or initiate some sort of action for the tool to be in the idle animation that had been modified, I don’t want this.
Do you have any code that details the problem or your previous solutions?
No, I don’t have any code for this as of now (but if you ask in the comments I will provide/edit), as I deem it unnecessary for this topic.
If you have any solutions for this problem please share them!