Best way to make good Highway signs

Thank you to everyone who helped out!

I would recommend possibly using photoshop and creating decals for the signs as a png image for the text. It’s a harder way of doing it but it’ll look neater in my opinion.

That looks pretty realistic.
Anyhow, I still have some feedback.

In the above image, you can see that signs in Australia have no text border. The yellow is a deeper tone, and the text has some padding on the outside so it isn’t touching the edge.
Consider changing the material of the sign, and upload images in place of emojis.
Also Australia uses the metric system so keep that in mind! (unless you’re catering to players in the US)

Agreed. I’ve seen this tactic been used in a couple Australian-related games before.

It doesn’t look as clean, but if you touch up the image in photoshop, it’ll look fine.

Thanks! Yeah I am from Australia, I know its metric, I just wanted to mix it up. I can tell by looking that is a modern, new sign from QLD. Down here in Victoria most of them are older and do look a bit different. I do thank you very much!

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It’s a great sign! But some feedback:

  • add some white borders as Australian signs have white roundish borders
  • Change the miles to KM lol

Anyway that is the only feedback I have, great job though!

Lots of people have mentioned miles to km lol. I will do that, I just wanted to mix it up, Australian names, Imperial measurements.

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just use a road sign image put it in the background, and make sure your colors are the same shads as the road sign dont use text stroke another thing you can do is use a frame and add rounded corners then put another one behind that frame thats a little bigger and use rounded corners as well, just make it slightly bigger

Hopefully this helps :slight_smile:

Download This Model Here (22.2 KB)

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Oh wow, thank you very much! Better than my old signs :smiley:


A. Try desaturating your other colors
B. Give the road an asphalt look - I recommend concrete
C. Put the signs overhanging the road itself
D. Round the edges of the sign using flattened cylinders at the edge of the sign

Here’s a small demo I made for you of how I think the sign should look itself. Remember - ambience is critical! However, if you are concerned about the sign’s text, I’d recommend using a reference.

You can add onto the road as you wish, however I advise you use less vibrant colors. I use Grime for the grass and 75,75,75 RGB for the road. 1,150,108 for the sign itself…

Oh yeah also, make sure that the text is all the same size. You can use text sizes rather than TextScaled for this.

I definitely encourage you to look at real-life examples and then kind of duplicate it from there. You’ll get some great results that way.

No problem man, I’m glad it helped :grin: