Best way to prevent cheaters from using remotes?

They can do that and more. They can see the data being sent over the remote events, and they can even hijack the remote events and change what data is being sent. Systems like this are not an excuse to neglect the responsibility you have for proper server security.

I know what exploiters are capable of. This isn’t meant to be complete security, the table is only sent on join. If you want to play the place its right here: encryption remote test - Roblox

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exploiters can join a diffrent game then inject and join the game they are targetting making them having the executor instantly injected so it wouldn’t help

the real way to prevent it kind of is to secure the server scripts as much as possible
a little hint would be not using instances in the args too often because they can hook it

Thats what I said in my reply. The key

Me as the client has the table with the keys and the indexes of numbers.
I can check the value in workspace (71) then find the key with index 71, then use that key to trigger the remote, server checks value in workspace its 71, checks its table and compare my key with the workspace key, it matches, so I can fire any remote whenever I want avoiding the security system totally.

Understandable, it could stop anyone that doesnt know how to really exploit. But after the first blind try to fire the remote, I would notice that has some security, I could give up, or initially check the client scripts I own

** you’re suppose to be sending the key that’s assigned with that number. (You sent the number)

Yeah it stops exploiters that don’t understand the system + I wouldn’t call it a “security” system, Its more of a obstacle to a security system that you can create on the server.

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