Best ways of applying several Morphs on a Player?

What do you think would be the best method of applying a morph/custom character on a R15 Character(So that It could be changed individually by every player). I tried going for the StarterCharacter method, though at the end I realized that there is no way to change it without affecting everyone else?

Have you considered using HumanoidDescriptions? It’s a very powerful tool.

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I wasn’t able to figure out how to actually have custom parts to be registered in H.D.
As far as I know all you can do with it is change your accessories/clothings/animations/etc. but nothing related to actually implementing the custom parts with custom positioning.

Ah, I’m not that familiar with custom parts or custom items. Have you tried making them assets, and then pulling those in via humanoid descriptions?

H.D’s use ROBLOX assets only, correct me if I’m wrong

this thread has a similar issue if I’m not mistaken. the only difference is changing characters seamlessly. but this could be used as a base to start off.

basically you take the humanoid and replace everything else in the body. sadly this becomes really and can pack out really complex depending the way you approach it. hope it helps

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See here


Attachments can be very powerful in this case.
The way you can do it is by creating an accessory instance, putting the model in it, along with a part of the same exact size of the part you will be replacing, and containing an attachment set to (0,0,0) in position. Replicate the attachment into the part to be replaced (eg. The accessory parts are all welded to a part named handle, the handle is the same exact size as the part it will replace which as an example would be the uppertorso, and the handle also has an attachment which position is set to (0,0,0), that same attachment with the same name is also in the uppertroso.)
You simply use the Humanoid:AddAccessory(accessory) to have it welded.
(Sorry for the unorganization, writing from phone)


I think the morphs my group baught all have an attachment called base im them. Could I use these to get a proper directiom for my morphs? Currently some of my morphs are being attached backwards.