Best ways to stop people leaking your game client side

Ah yes, I totally forgot about this.
But this is a brilliant way as well, though sometimes people have fluctuating memory usage due to pings or a lag spike in the actual game. So it does come with that caveat.

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perhaps maybe when that occurs, there could be a script that automatically lowers part graphics on detected lag, it can be done by putting it in some FPS calculator.


Please, do not try to stop leaking, it’s not something you can prevent right now, the best you can do, it’s just to not give attention to it… if they get players with a leaked game, claim DMCA :smiley:


huh. speaking of DMCA, where would i do that? would be pretty helpful since i’m getting threats of my game being leaked.


DMCA is usually the last thing lawyers will recommend you to do due to all the strings attached to it. Filing for DMCA is not free either. With the majority of roblox devs being children or teenagers, having even the pocket money to file for DMCA on smaller scale games is not even possible.

People can also take your game and not upload it, instead selling it to clients via GRP or HiddenDevs. Making it impossible for you to track down anyone who took it in order to claim DMCA.


here you can see information in a DevForum post by Roblox.


Roblox will just take down game, no need to take it to court :laughing: (I mean… if you come to court and mention Roblox they’re gonna laugh lol)
Just email Roblox, then the owner of game gets punished along with group/game


IMO (in my opinion) you could spend hours and days creating the most robust anti hacker stealy stealy game on roblox. You could get technical and store functions on the server and get them through remote functions, heck you could create a custom rendering engine to prevent map theft. But at the end of the day, really people worry too much about games being stolen, and sometimes you’re better off just contacting roblox support if someone steals some stuff and calling it a day. It’s more important to prioritize player experience than try to remove the ability for people to copy your game, cause they will eventually be able to if they try.

Edit also to get a game taken down isn’t too hard, just emailing roblox support with proof and some game links


I know of a pretty good and reliable website that offers DMCA takedowns called (I hope I don’t get reported for advertisement)
However, it costs like $200 annually, and I would not recommend for roblox games that don’t gain you much money.

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Uh I mean, I am sure a game with 1K Players can make more then 4K USD per month.


(he isn’t saying roblox games don’t make much money, he’s referencing small games that don’t make much)


Most community games average around 20-50, and that is the high end. The most you’re looking for is like 5k robux a month. For projects like these, it’s just not worth going through all the hoops to take down a single game which hardly affects your own revenue.

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I read about a Synapse X detector a while ago and that would be a simple deterrent against kids who buy it. Though nothing serious.

Still, if people grab my game nothing server side would be grabbed and they would be left with a useless game (maybe except for GUIs which are pretty simple).


Though most people who steal games don’t steal it for the scripts. They just take it for the models.

This is especially harmful for showcases, since they rely only on their models to generate joins. For these people, I think game leaking is a serious problem.

I think again, this is a case of not caring for it until it happens to you, since I never was really aware of it since I mostly code anyways. But it is pretty annoying to have people boasting about having your game.


It actually happened a while ago in a cafe where I develop. It wasn’t as bad, the people who stole it didn’t get many joins.


Main problem is them selling it to other people as models.
If they uploaded it themselves, you can just email roblox and they are pretty good at removing them. The big problem is if they start claiming it as their own work to sell to unwitting clients.

For this reason, I never buy prebuilt models.

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If your game plan is executed properly, this really shouldn’t be an issue. There should be no additional steps to make it “more difficult” to steal. An individual can only steal what they can see (client side), even if they steal the game, if you’re game is a popular game, it should be quite obvious what is fake and what isn’t. You shouldn’t assets shouldn’t be stolen if it’s in-progress, usually assets are only available once the game is done and released. If an individual can steal your map and assets, then completely rewrite the game to the point where it outcompetes the game, I’d be worried what I’m doing (not to say that the person stealing the game is not at fault).

That being said, DMCA and Lawyers are probably the only things that can do anything. Just finish your game, show visual images or videos if you have to showcase it or to hype it up, and finally release it at the end. You should be expecting your game to do well, not poorly.


Yeah, I’ve outlined what you said in the original post. Most of the time, game stealing is not an issue, especially since they have very little way in accessing your server side scripts and assets. I suppose the main issue is for the people making showcases, since people stealing their models can then sell these models on to other people. Charging them money for someone else’s work.

Even though I agree that game leaking is a trivial issue, it doesn’t mean we as devs should not do anything to make it as hard for people as possible.

It’s impossible to stop people exploiting in your game, however, that doesn’t mean you should just not put in any antihack checks.

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We shouldn’t have to do anything to prevent it. If I’m developing a game and expecting it to be front-page, I’m not going to bother trying to prevent people from stealing it upon release. I’m going to release it, get it to the front page and now stealing it will be pointless. Making a mess of your own game for the sake of it being more difficult to be stolen is not ideal especially if you’re trying to make a front-page game. If you look at professional development teams not only on Roblox, they keep their assets un-accessible until the game is released, they don’t take measures trying to make it difficult to steal.

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Most games take time to build up the momentum to hit the front page. Many games never reach it due to them having niche audiences or if they are community games. And even front page games can have assets stolen and sold to unwitting clients who don’t know better.

Let’s say you have sensitive information in a module script you keep at rep storage. People will be able to take this if you don’t make sure that it’s mostly in the server side unless needed.

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