So I tested this out, and its super cool!
Just wanted to let ya’ll know though, that whenever you try to generate a tv, the screen shows up on both sides.
So I tested this out, and its super cool!
Just wanted to let ya’ll know though, that whenever you try to generate a tv, the screen shows up on both sides.
Cool, but the thing is, having many of these generated models takes ALOT of resouces on my device, i hope this gets improved an the performance gets better over time.
I love how there’s people complaining about AI, but AI will be utilized in the future for sure. This is just the bare beginning. There will come a time where humans are able to prompt experiences like Star Trek’s Halo deck. I can also see future humans talking about how earlier humans (us) loved to do things slow and manual. Which takes up precious time we can be doing other higher quality things in life. But that’s just my 2 cents
The world has only gotten worse in the past 40 years you think we’re heading towards Star Trek? Bestie we’re heading towards Elysium. Future humans are going to look back at us and be like “they didn’t have to subscribe to Amazon Quench to swallow water?”
I saw this link in a dev discussion post and didn’t pay attention to the date so I thought this was already out. I was thinking, “why haven’t I used it yet?” Didn’t see this was new. This is actually so cool! I’d still rather make my own models and get better at that skill but this is there if I want it!
You are looking too literal into the example. I’m talking about the use of technology and the way of doing things here, nothing else. And that has nothing to do with how better or worse life is outside of coding and technology.
AI will come to a point where it can be utilized somewhat like they utilized it in Star Trek, don’t think too literal on that example. But if you’ve ever seen an episode of it being used, you would understand the power and capabilities at which I’m speculating. We are showing early signs of generation by prompts. We already have people accustomed to talking to devices such as Alexa. It’s not far-fetched to speculate how AI will be used to create experiences in the future. And coding manually, line for line will be seen as vintage because it’s time consuming and tedious. 3D asset creation is just as consuming.
We also already have Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality, precursors to something even better that has yet to be realized. Among the many things future humans will look back and scoff at us about, when it comes to coding, game developing, and experience making, they will definitely be thankful for the advancements the same way we are thankful for today’s advancements compared to how life was in the 1930s or even primitive era. We have computers to do task now compared to the 1930s, the first computer built was called the Z1 and it wasn’t for the public.
With no respect in this reply, this is a terrible way for people who don’t have experience to “Make their own 3D models”. It’s much better and easier to start from scratch as someone with no modeling experience up until the last three months I have been able to model “professionally” with no tutorials. (However I did have multiple years of Blender experience but I’ve only used it for animating.)
All you need is 15 minutes and Blender which is free. 15 minutes of Blender each day minimum and in about a year or less you’ll be able to model almost EVERYTHING you need for a Roblox game, but definitely not a real game outside the platform.
The ID verification thing might be because they cannot guarantee that the model won’t generate anything inappropriate and there aren’t good enough advancements in AI moderation technology for 3D models to reliably protect users in real-time against these inappropriate results.
It is undoubtedly important to encourage companies that integrate technology and innovation into their products. The use of artificial intelligence in software solutions can be a valuable tool for beginner developers, helping them implement their ideas, learn, and improve their skills, including beyond the platform. However, artificial intelligence is not and cannot be a source of creativity; it should serve a supporting role rather than replacing development stages.
Those concerned about the impact of artificial intelligence on the creative process should pay attention to the quality of the generated content and study at least the basic principles of how neural networks operate and perceive the world. In its current state, artificial intelligence holds no value for experienced developers and will not be able to replace their work in the future.
Then get experienced. It’s not hard. Blender and YouTube are free and have resources available to get you started.
This entire ‘idea’ does nothing but show this company’s true colors. They mean little when they claim that they support UGC and experience creators when they put out horrid generative ai models on their platform as if anyone asked for this versus actual content we should get or need.
None of the content generated looks good and it can’t be used for high quality experiences, anyway, so this is just a complete waste of resources and a great look at this company’s preferences and focus.
lol I can’t generate “Roblox character” or “Noob”
Will there be a beta for other features not related to AI, such as multiple terrain colors?
as someone who has attempted blender it is pretty difficult to “get experienced”
It took a while for it to finally click for me, try letting blender marinate in your brain for a month and come back to it, that’s what worked for me
all this ai stuff is just gonna make people hire less artists and make more low quality games for money. It’s very impressive, but there could be way more important things to work on.
Awesome feature! cant wait for image to 3d
Awesome tool for fun use. However, i fear for optimization because it creates so much unnecessary triangles and gives absolutely no control over creating mesh which is what mesh part for (Well, it won’t probably adjust mesh for your use which is a big problem and let’s mentions some glitchy looking texture and mesh itself). I’m still impressed of it actually generating decent, but i advise to not use it for serious projects
Cube 3D + Avatar Auto Setup CAN make bundles that validate! I made one.
It took a couple of tries. Went for something as humanoid as possible that wasn’t a human, to avoid any textured on clothes or lack of modesty layer.
Might be the first ever published bundle made 100% in studio! Only took about 7 minutes from prompting to on sale. Certainly a contender for the fastest bundle ever created from scratch. Check it out: