[Beta] Introducing Text Generation API

This is interesting, yet depressing at the same time. While I completely understand Roblox wanting to push AI to experiences, it’s going to create a huge influx of AI-based content on the platform, which arguably is against the creativity that was once so cherished years ago.

Don’t get me wrong, AI made games are already a thing on Roblox, but this is easily going to lead to a huge influx of “chat with [character]!” experiences being made once it reaches wide availability.

The only compliment I have about this feature is the restriction to certain content maturity levels. Which will hopefully protect the younger player base from interacting with explicit AI content for a while.


Is this API available for Plugins inside any experience? I can see this being very useful. Somebody could make a smarter Assisstant…


Hey, let’s just hope they’ll have some sort of policy that’ll restrict ai generated games (Those simulator games are on thin ice from being made by a human and a bot).


honestly, i see this as an unnecessary update…

AI is being pushed a LOT everywhere, and everything I see nowadays includes the same genAI hype that everyone seems to be chasing mindlessly…

this will facilitate those sloppy AI games (like the ai chatbot ones) and it’s excruciatingly exasperating to even set sights on one…

for an interactive roblox game, sure it could work, but misinformation and spam still makes it risky. overall, meh


So I just missed an important word, this post means nothing lol-

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Now this is a kind of AI I find rather interesting.
Essentially a dialog generator for NPCs.

Theoretically, if you can trick an AI into saying specific words or phrases that can be detected through simple pattern matching in scripts, you could even make AI act out actions in a game such as walking towards something or interacting with something.

Granted, it would likely be slow, but it’s still cool.

ChatGPT is capable of generating instructions like…

npc1 > move to > red brick

Now with some Lua coding, you can read this text as a string, split the text by symbol, remove useless characters like spaces or anything you don’t want to interpret.

In some Lua code you could do this.

local text = "npc1>moveto>redbrick" -- AI generated text with spaces removed.
local array = string.split(text, ">")

local target_npc = workspace:FindFirstChild(array[1])

if target_npc then
 if array[2] == "moveto" then

This is some pseudo code, don’t actually write your code like this in a game but it should get the idea across.

The point is, these text generating AI, can technically be given the power to control a game if you simply scripted a simple filter that takes certain words and details out of a string of text and then executes a function based on it.


Does it happen to be “ID verification”?

Because seemingly every second to third feature they’re adding is ID locked

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This is extremely customizable, and accessible compared to other AI text generators. The fact we can go as far as to customize the temperature and seed the AI uses, as well as the output token length is extremely great as it allows very very cool game ideas and concepts to be done without the worry of paying hundreds of dollars a month!

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I think if they make it customizable enough, it could be a good way to help guide new players around your game.

One example of this being useful is the player asking a question about certain details about your game. Now again, IF they make it customizable enough, it’ll make this impossible concept become a reality!

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I was already excited when looking at the title, then I looked further and saw TTS and STT? Something that I always wanted in Roblox. Amazing updates


Thank you :pray:

I really hope sometime you could also add a way to respond with specific answers like for example, if you asked for it to create an ability for me, it could return multiple answers in a table that include a name for the ability, it’s description, and other possible things i would input for it to return in the table.

local dataToReturn = {"Name", "Description"}
local background = "Create an attack with a name and description using the following prompt"

local prompt = "whats a good fire based ability"

-- It would then return this using dataToReturn to help create the table below

local generated = {
      Name = "Fireball",
      Description = "Shoot out a flaming ball"

Honestly, in-game dialogue in a dynamic setting is probably one of the best use cases of LLMs out there. However I am concerned about the impact model upgrades could have over time.

Will there eventually be a variety of models to choose from with different capabilities and rate limits? NPC dialogue can be handed off to pretty much any model, but for managing a dynamic narrative or character development, I’d only trust something at least on the level of 4o if not o1, which would be a bit overkill for dialogue alone.

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This kind of feature deserves to be locked behind an ID verification wall, but I get that it sucks that some good features that roblox offers are behind this kind of wall, but it’s just to prevent these kinds of features from falling into the wrong hands.

Alright, i’ll consider this the second rightfully locked studio feature

All the other ID locked features still require an explanation apart from “because it needs to be like this for safety” though

You should never trust everybody on the Internet with something that can be easily manipulated in some sort of way. It has happened before on roblox, and still is a reoccurring issue today. (also I guess roblox doesn’t want minors to have outside ads displayed in their games. Could be because of a law of some sort, but idk I’m not a lawyer, soo-)

I can already foresee players trying to get the AI to say wild things, you can prevent it but someone will always find a workaround with AI text generation.

On the other hand, Text-to-Speech tech is actually huge for NPC dialogue. Honestly can’t wait for that future update!

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Might be a valid reason if roblox didn’t have large, unpunished communities of people very obviously misusing the platform running around

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I honestly don’t see much of a reason to use this (aside from lets say, a project based on a robot)

The text-to-speech (and vise-versa) things are cool but I don’t see a reason to have a text generation thingy.

“i am not connected to internal roblox systems.”


The bot can’t access the API services necessary to do this task.