The issue I’m experiencing is an issue with the Beta Luau Type Solver beta feature announced in this post doesn’t seem to want to show types, variables and functions. I receive absolutely no auto completion or type checking while programming which has caused me to write a lot of bugs in my code and made me create errors in my code. The new Beta type solver also seems to increase ram usage over time until the point either Roblox Studio crashes or my whole Windows 11 install crashes, which means I have to restart my machine, but I won’t go into much detail in this bug report.
I’ve also uninstalled all my plugins and reinstalled studio twice and still haven’t fixed this issue. I’ve attached two videos to support my bug report along with two place files (a baseplate and the place featured in the two videos, Under the Staff-Only section of this bug report), it also shows the increase of RAM being used by studio beyond it’s normal 6-8GB of usage on my machine.
Video with Beta Type solver ENABLED(no mic, so using comments): RobloxStudioWITHLUAUTYPESOLVERBETA.mp4 - Google Drive
Beta Features:
- Assistant Preview,
- Avatar Auto-Setup Beta,
- Avatar Joint Upgrade,
- Dragger QoL improvements,
- Face Capture,
- Gamepad Emulator,
- Import Queue,
- Improved Constraint Tool,
- Improved Mass Properties,
- Live Animation Creator,
- Multilayer Wrap Fix,
- New Luau type solver,
- New Studio Camera Controls,
- Next Gen Explorer,
- Next Gen Studio Preview,
- Occlusion Culling,
- Preferred Text Size Setting,
- Script Sync [Early Preview],
- Studio Solid modeling improvements,
- Texture Generator,
- UIDragDetectors,
- Updated Roblox Controls,
- Video Uploads,
- VR Emulator.
My system information:
System Manufacturer: DELL inc,
System: XPS 8940,
BIOS Version: 2.25.0 (OEM Install, Updated by user)
Operating System: Windows 11 HOME 64-bit (10.0, BUILD: 26100, OEM INSTALL),
CPU: Intel(R) Core™ i7-11700 @2.50GHz (stock),
GPU: NVIDIA GTX 1660TI (DELL manufactured, stock),
RAM: 32768MB(32GB) @2666MT/s (Crucial modules?, custom),
Page File: 6000-40000MB(dynamically changes depending on demand, SOFTWARE),
DirectX: DirectX 12 (Ultimate unavailable, SOFTWARE)
DXDiag.txt is attached if engineers need it under Staff-Only.
Expected behavior
I expect that the type solver’s auto complete function activates so I can type to auto fill my code instead of me having to remember my variable and function names and remember the Luau functions. I also can’t see my types in function parameters. Keywords do get highlighted though if that’s also related to the type solver.
Video with Beta Type solver DISABLED(no mic, so using comments): RobloxStudioBETALUAUTYPESOLVERDISABLED.mkv - Google Drive
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