I’m sorry for the late reply, Do you mind giving me your discord so we can talk in discord much easier and faster instead of chatting here in devforum?
I’m sorry for the late reply, Do you mind giving me your discord so we can talk in discord much easier and faster instead of chatting here in devforum?
So it doesn’t search for other players, like it doesn’t check if other player is queuing? when u interact you are only teleporting by yourself? But how could you make something like a 1v1 mode, where the players will have to wait for another player to queue before both of you will be teleporting and what if there is a 3 player queue, since it’s only a 1v1 mode meaning 2 players will only teleports, what would happen to the other players that queue’s on the mode? he will be left in the lobby or teleports them as well OR they will have to wait to other player to queue. Does this also includes to TeleportToPrivateServer? i haven’t read the entire module
Yeah, exactly. The module doesn’t search for other queued players because it assumes that if a game is already added to the memory store, there are players waiting for more players.
In case three players try to queue up for a 1v1 match, two of them would end up in the same server, and the third would be sent to another empty server
How would i make this thing waits other players to queue on?
there is currently no way to make a player wait for other players in the lobby. Right now the players will have to wait in the game server for other players, it’s up to you if you want to start the match as soon as the first player joins the game server or wait for more players to start.
If I understood what you mean correctly the waiting for more players is already implemented, it simply does not happen in the lobby but in the game server
Thanks, hopefully you develop more matchmakings since i’m very interested learning on memory and matchmakes whatsoever,
no problem, the ability to cancel the matchmaking is planned while global matchmaking is already implemented.
I don’t understand what you mean with timer matchmake tho. could you explain?
The timer is like a countdown, the timer will stop once the matchmake finds a player, Hopefully the cancel the matchmaking includes with the global matchmakings, been waiting for that