Better Chat V1 [Deprecated]

This looks really good, I might use this in my game.

There also seems to be a bug with the gui resize

I was actually planning on doing this myself, but I see it’s already been done. A really useful feature to add is clickable text which calls a function when it is clicked. For example, you can link an item in chat and when you click on it, it opens it in a shop menu.

That is likely due to the mouse’s position on the screen is the top left of the cursor itself, you can simply offset the position by the width and height of the image divided by two to get the center of the image.

It doesn’t seem to filter for me for some reason (Can literally curse and say inappropriate stuff without issue).

If you’re in studio, filter doesn’t work in studio.

This issue occured in-game. Which is why I’m bringing this up.

Well…that’s a problem…any errors?

Nope, my friend, with no access to the studio, sent me this:

Does it also not tag the actual chat?

The actual chat seems to be fine. Bubble chat doesn’t work though.

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If it’s an issue, I would just disable Bubble Chat until it seems to be fixed or a update to fix it occurs. I’d also make sure that it isn’t just because it’s that user’s message, meaning because they said the word(s) they can see the chat, but others would see the message correctly tagged.

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FINALLY, a nice customizable chat.
Is there a way to position it? Like what if I wanted to put it in the bottom left?


Due to recent events, this chat system’s development will be put on hold indefinitely. I’m really sorry about this. When I have more time, I will continue development. This was a really hard choice to make.


How do you override the system color?

How can I change the size? Its way too small

While I understand the main concept of the Better Chat is the actual chatbox, I really like the implementation of the bubble chats and find it rather difficult to disable the chatbox altogether and only allow for the bubble chat. Is there a way you can go about addressing this in the core settings in the future?

Considering that the module is for the actual chat box and bubble chat was implemented as an addition to it, you’d need to fork the main script and disable it through the code that way. Additionally, they stated they were taking a break so even if this was implemented then who knows when. There are other bubble chat modules on the forums I believe.

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it seems that registerMessageProcessFunction isn’t working as it always errors

ServerScriptService.Server.pluginHandler.handler.API:45: attempt to index nil with ‘processFunctions’

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I have a plugin and it won’t work.

local API = nil;
local ChatHaxChat = game.ReplicatedStorage.ChatHaxChat

return function()
	ChatHaxChat.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(Speaker, Message, Object)
		local channelName = "All"
		local speaker = API.speaker.cache(Speaker, false) --> Get speaker for "Player1"
		local channel = --> Get channel for "all"
		local arguments = {
			speaker, --> Speaker name
			Message, --> Speaker message
			"all", --> Channel name
			Object or nil, --> Speaker's player object (used for filtering + other things)
			"default" --> Message type (do not change)
		local success,result = API.chatSystem:createMessageObject(unpack(arguments)) --> Create the message object

		if(success) then"all"):addMessage(result,true) --> Add the message and make all players in the channel see it with "true"
			warn("[BETTER CHAT ERROR]:",result) --> Notify of errors that occured when making the message

I get the error ServerScriptService.Server.pluginHandler.plugins.ModuleScript:7: attempt to index nil with 'speaker' - Server - ModuleScript:7. What am I doing wrong?

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In the first line you said

local API = nil;

it needs to be

API = nil;

I saw the code and it needs API to be a global variable