When I looked inside the download, It worked but all the files were just located in a folder called Betterchat V3 in workspace, Where else would I store it? As I prefer to not contain scripts in workspace for simplicity.
And also with the roundness of the text bubble, what should I set it to, to make it completely round?
Because it seems like that just modifys the offset, not scale of the UI corner.
And also, it seems that there is no toggle to disable the channel selector?
September 25, 2024, 9:34pm
When I looked inside the download, It worked but all the files were just located in a folder called Betterchat V3 in workspace, Where else would I store it? As I prefer to not contain scripts in workspace for simplicity.
You can move it wherever, that was just an example.
ReplyAndChannel = { --> On the chatbar, when whispering or replying this icon shows up
BackgroundColor = Color3.fromRGB(253,80,111), --> 253,80,111
TextAndIconColor = Color3.fromRGB(255,255,255)
Window = {
BackgroundColor = Color3.fromRGB(0,0,0),
ChatWindowVisible = true, --> Is it just the chatbar visible?
ChannelBarEnabled = true, --> Channel navigation bar at the top of the chat
SeparateChatbarFromMenu = true, --> Do separate the chat bar from the main UI?
Resizable = true, --> Can the user resize their chat?
Rounding = 8, --> UI roundness in px
BaseTextSize = 16, --> Base text size for the UI
CornerPosition = "TopLeft" --> Chat corner position (BottomRight, TopLeft, TopRight, BottomLeft)
User = {
ChangeDisplayNameColorWhenAttributeChanged = true, --> If you change their DisplayName at run time, will it also automatically update their name color?
NameColors = { --> Default name colors
Color3.fromRGB(253,41,67), --> Red
Set it to something like 200.
I think I may need to modify the module directly, do you know which line of code controls what the UICorner in the bubble is?
I want to achieve this effect
this is from a another game that uses the betterchat system.
EDIT: I found the line and did it!
Only issue now is that the text on the chat bar is too dark when hovering.
1 Like
September 28, 2024, 3:34pm
It seems that all of the chat UI, including the message text labels, have AutoLocalize enabled by default. Because of that, if you have automatic text capture enabled, you’ll get a lot of records containing chat messages. I’d suggest to disable AutoLocalize for the text labels used for messages.
1 Like
October 4, 2024, 1:11am
I have a question, How would you toggle a topbar icons activation status based on if the player has pressed “/” or quickchat.
Thank you!
October 13, 2024, 9:34pm
Will there be support for muting people? ie a mod can mute someone
1 Like
October 13, 2024, 11:24pm
is this not already a thing? though i don’t think there’s a direct mute endpoint
October 13, 2024, 11:55pm
There is an ‘endpoint’, you’d need to add a custom command however, but this is easy:
speaker:updateMuteStatus(true) -- or false
October 14, 2024, 1:36am
I think the best method would actually be
You never know when it might be necessary…
1 Like
October 24, 2024, 8:19pm
The resizable feature randomly disentegrates, only happening with RBXM/PLACE/GITHUB releases (Non Wally).
October 27, 2024, 12:41pm
Interesting, this happens due to ProfileService, which will happen if you store user settings for the settings menu, which I may rewrite to use custom functions.
Sometimes, it (ProfileService) doesn’t load, and sometimes it does, and the resize feature is based on the settings menu which is based on ProfileService, so if ProfileService isn’t loaded the resize won’t be loaded either.
Not sure if that is too convoluted, I’m not the best at explaining things. Are you sure it doesn’t affect Wally?
October 30, 2024, 9:40pm
Heya man!
I was looking ahead to using your amazing chat system in my game, but it seems like ROBLOX decided to wage war against you.
Hi Creators,
Chat is essential to the Roblox experience, and we’re committed to ensuring everyone has a safe experience while communicating on the platform. As part of that effort, we are making changes to how in-experience chat works on our platform:
Legacy chat system will be removed by April 30th, 2025.
Starting November 30th, 2024, new experiences can not be created that use the legacy chat system.
We’re updating our Community Standards to require that creators use TextChatService,…
Are you planning to somehow move it over to textchatservice before those dates?
I’m also very interested. I was very disappointed when I heard these news. I hope we can migrate.
November 2, 2024, 3:20am
A Roblox admin and veteran reached out to me and thought it would be fun to attempt to port it, I will keep you guys posted.
November 2, 2024, 4:53am
This is actually unreal. Roblox just keeps going downhill with these updates.
Any chance they will allow chat customization?
November 2, 2024, 7:59am
They do permit usage of custom UI, but you still must make it use TextChatService :
Chat customization of original one still isn’t good though.
November 2, 2024, 3:47pm
i thought betterchat was already using textchatservice
November 2, 2024, 6:54pm
Yea thats what I meant. GOOD UI customization
November 7, 2024, 4:43pm
Hoping they manage to pull it out before new policy drops hard.