It shouldn’t have to be ported to ROBLOX’s new chat system. First that new garbage chat system is garbage, and second, BetterChat handles it’s own filtering using ChatService/TextService.
As long as ChatService and TextService API/Docs don’t change with the new chat system, specifically :FilterStringForBroadcast() and :FilterStringAsync() respectively, then the chat wouldn’t have to be ported to that garbage. Even then, all that would have to be done is just update according to the new docs, everything else would stay the same.
Just assuming based on what I’ve seen going through the BetterChat code and knowing how garbage this new ROBLOX chat is (opinion).
I just want to make it clear that they will deprecate the LegacyChatService, not remove it. Removing it will break numerous games on the website which would be pretty bad. We wouldn’t want that to happen would we?
I don’t know if this is an error on my part but the chat doesn’t pop up in game, everything works fine in studio though. This is from the client-side, no errors server-side.
I found the error, its on Line 45 in the localization scripted located in Main Module > Client > Modules Core. For some reason "game:GetService(“LocalizationService”).RobloxLocaleId returns “” instead of the actual LocaleId. I simply replaced that little piece with “en-us” and it fixed all the errors within the chat.
Can you please be patient, adding VR support isn’t so easy and also the head developer of this system is pretty much taking a break currently. If the feature is so important to you either please wait or even try making it yourself and sharing your findings here for everyone else
There are multiple issues I’ve ran into while using your awesome chat system.
When people chatted sometimes there will be another ghost message on top of original message saying _____.
And it would be great if you implemented connection so you can make system messages in chat, it would be useful for my game.