Billboard Gui disappear when too far

For a game, I made 4 billboard gui as a location marker (because the map is very big) but when I spawn, only the closest appear and the others dissapear (and their parent too). I wonder if someone as an idea how to fix that.

Do you have UI Stroke enabled?

Appears to be a problem connected to this with Billboard GUI.

No, I don’t. Therefore, text stroke was enable but I test with and without, it still doesn’t work.



I was just saying since this was a common trend the last few days.

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Is the MaxDistance property set to a low value? You might wanna change it to inf is that’s the face

No, the MaxDistance is set to inf. It is set by default, (I think). ;). But still doesn’t work.

Could it be that your graphic in studio is not on its highest have you attempted testing in-studio and putting your client on max graphics.

Here is a plugin I recommend Render Settings Plugin - Roblox (for altering rendering settings while developing in studio)

Ok but, I want everyone to sees the billboards, does it will render for them also ?

Did you test? I’m not sure if the billboard instances will care about render distances. But did you test to see if they do?

Or should I

Do you have your always on-top property set as true? if you want to see the billbaordUI infront of parts that property should be true

No, it doesn’t work. But anyway, billboard auto destroy itself in game.

Yes, the property always on top is set to true.

Can you go into detail by what you mean do you mean the instances just destroy themselves

Ok :

  • In studio (Frame’s child is just a text label) :

  • In game test (the others instances aren’t there anymore) :

That is weird let me test something in studio…

Also do you get any strange things in your output log do you any scripts that are suppose to do that?

No, nothing in the output regarding that.

No scripts?
It can’t just vanish are they falling into the VOID :eyes: (Unanchored)

No scripts (no needed for this) and they are all anchored.

You said they disappear when too far not deleting and vanishing…

And that is not possible without being effected by a script or falling into the void you may believe there is no interaction with a script but you have to look into it there just cant be any other explanation

Before making this post, they were in a folder instead of workspace, same result.

Check the property on the billboard gui, there should be one called “Max Distance”. Set that to “inf”