Billboard Image Disappears when Changed via Script

An error is an error script stops …

Anything regarding the image object? Imagetransparency?

It’s not transparent, it’s only invisible because of the script (it shows if I disable the script but then there’s no animation)

Can you a conclude a .Visible = true on your image changing loop?

there’s no need because I can run the game and see if it remains visible, which it does

That will need a tostring() on it for sure. Idk if that’s your error but that Image input is all a string.
The way you have this set up you could use

local Walk1 = script.Parent.Walk1.Value

And not have to add that to the call. That Value isn’t changing so …

I figured it out: in the creator dashboard they added images separate from decals which I was unaware of because I was using the out-of-date develop tab instead.
If I now copy the asset ID of the image instead of the decal, it works as normal.

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