Black Dots on Parts

I checked on an area of my game that I built a while ago and noticed black dots on some of the parts. It kind of acts like z fighting, but there’s only one part. I’ve tried moving the parts around and the dots move with it. This only happened to cylinders with the Metal material. It also only occurs in ShadowMap, so I assume it’s a lighting issue. I would add a screenshot but it isn’t working at the moment

How should I deal with this happening? I don’t know if someone’s already posted this, but I couldn’t find any other posts. Thank you!

If screenshot isn’t working it might be an issue with your RAM

Are you at near max capacity for RAM?

I can take a screenshot, it’s just not uploading to the forum for some reason. I’ll keep trying to get it.

Please do send a screenshot because we can’t really help you otherwise

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If you aren’t already, be sure to take a screen shot with your PCs built in Snipping Tool not Gyazo because that’s trash software that doesn’t embed well on the dev forums (or anywhere). Type “Snipping Tool” or “Snip and Sketch” into your home menu search bar.

We can’t help without a visual.

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Screen Shot 2020-08-29 at 7.30.06 AM Screen Shot 2020-08-29 at 7.46.33 AM
Screenshots are working now! Yesterday there was an error message when I tried to upload these but it works now I guess .-.

Surprisingly, as I’m a builder, I can’t tell what those are but…

I don’t know, do you have a computer that doesn’t have the best quality? Not sure.

It probably isn’t the best quality. I have the studio quality on 21 but it could just be the computer acting up.

Maybe you accidentally added any unwanted decals or without you knowing, because it looks like it

There aren’t any decals. It also sort of wiggles around like z fighting does when the camera moves.

I’d try I’ll uninstalling studio (from your Control Panel) and then reinstalling it. Make sure you’ve saved or published you’re games and files!

I’ve seen that in the past with blender. This is maybe some kind of render issue. Try to lower the quality. And maybe update your graphic card. If it doesn’t work, check if the problem doesn’t come from your graphic card.