happens in every game I play, but not every chat bubble.

Yup it’s been noticed and there’s a few posts in this thread about it: Issues with bubble chat text filtering - #2 by MasterDaniel
Having a more specific thread about this exact problem probably isnt a bad thing.
I’d post something more specific, but a picture speaks a thousand words.
Also I know nothing about the problem, I’m just the guy that tells the developers ‘theres a glitch’ in the comments of their game
I’ve got a working repro of this. This basically happens the first time you speak on a server, and it seems to be the first word that causes it. Let me know if you find anymore phrases that get the last word removed.
Well, thats not entirely true in my case.
Most of the time this is happening 20-30 minutes INTO the game.
Do you want specific phrases?
Yeah, after more testing, I found that it’s the first time you say that phrase it does it. So if you say “You have no head…” once it will appear as “You have no”, and the next time you say it, it’ll be fine. And then after if you say “anyone trading crescendo?” it will appear as “anyone trading”. The next time you say it though, it will be normal.
I’ve narrowed the issue down to a specific section of C side code, and hopefully I can figure out what’s going on.
At one point me and a friend both noticed this happen to the same message, where the Chat API is called on local parts
This is supposed to say, "Do you have any money?
This glitch is still happening, and as shown here, is also occuring when using
game:GetService("Chat"):Chat( ... )