Blender 2.8 View Model Tutorial (FPS ARMS)

Thank you for making such a detailed, well-organized tutorial. This is the best guide I’ve seen on first-person animations, and seriously, great job. This will for sure help so many people. (Including a Newbie like me). Keep up the great work!


I’m glad I can help! Thanks for the feedback! :heart:


This is nice. I really like this tutorial. you get the dog stamp.


Wow!! I really wanted to learn how to do this, thanks so much! I’m gonna use this for sure


Really good job with covering everything, man- I’ll for sure be using this! :ok_hand:


Just letting you know that you did a very good job with this tutorial
here was my animations for it, not-so-very-good but it works lolll :sunglasses:


I like the camera shake, that’s one thing I don’t know how to import into Roblox Studio yet lol

Good animation though! :+1:


Really great, well made tutorial! Thanks for putting so much effort into it, it’s probably the best guide right now for first person arms. Good job and keep it up! :+1:


OH i used moon animator to import the camera!
i used attachtopart and made it attached to the camerapart o_O


I want to look further into this tomorrow; but before I do I want to know if this would work with a Third-Person-Shooter?

I’m not sure but you could rig a gun into the NPC and import it into blender, I’ll get back with you if I figure out how.

Feel free to find out yourself though! It’s good to try things sometimes. :heart:


Okay yeah, all you have to do is put the gun model into the NPC and create joints from the HumanoidRootPart to the parts, like how it was shown above.

If you need extra help, I’ll make a forum on it, just let me know!

Thank you. I will look into this in around 8 hours when I have the time.


I’m having issues getting the gun bones to work, do you have a blender model I can use with the bones working? I’d really appreciate it :smiley:

Can you show me how you rigged it?

I ended up closing the studio file, but i welded the parts to the gun, then welded the parts to the HumanoidRootPart. I can probably recreate it all if you’d like

Blender Animation Rig:
rig.obj (784.5 KB)

Yeah recreate it if you can. I don’t know where you messed up on.

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I’ll try tomorrow :+1: Hopefully I can fix it, I’ll also try a different gun model I made to see if that was causing issues

Can you do this in blender 2.79?