Blender animation to roblox

Hey there!

I have been using blender for quite a while now for my Roblox games but I’ve never ventured into blender animation. I just created a train track crossing barrier with full animation but I seem to be stuck on how to export this model and the animation into studio. I have tried YouTube but everything seems to be tutorials on exporting character rigs but nothing for normal models. I may be being quite dumb here and not seeing something obvious haha. I just need to put the model with the animation into studio and be able to control that animation with a script. This is my first post here so I apologise if anything is incorrect. Any help would be appreciated thank you!

If you haven’t checked this out, maybe it could help you

Ye I checked that out but it seems to be only for character rigs, unless I’m not looking properly as for this you need an existing rig in studio to put the animation on and as I created everything in blender I dont have that. Thank you anyway though!