Blink | An IDL compiler written in Luau for ROBLOX buffer networking. | 0.14.8

There were some issues around nested maps following this release, please upgrade to the patched latest release instead


Iā€™ve been using Blink for a few projects so far and itā€™s all been fine, I love it :+1:
Any chance the plugin could be uploaded to marketplace and updated there too?

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Glad to hear youā€™ve found it useful, if you have any published games Iā€™d be happy to link them on the README if youā€™re fine with that

Iā€™m currently waiting for ROBLOX to release support for updating plugins through Open Cloud, Iā€™d like to be able to just have a github action auto update the marketplace version with every release. Though Iā€™m also looking into alternatives like using the old cookie based endpoints for the time being since there havenā€™t really been any news about Open Cloud support for it since some time.


Blink 0.12.2

This release contains bug fixes and minor additions.

There is an issue with the Roblox Studio plugin in 0.12.2, I recommend sticking to 0.12.1 until a patch can be released


  • Added a --yes / --y option to the CLI, passing it will result in all prompts being automatically accepted


  • Added set autocompletion to the Roblox Studio companion plugin


  • Fixed float16 struct values generating incorrect luau syntax
  • Fixed squiggly lines not rendering in the Roblox Studio companion plugin due to ROBLOX font changes
  • Fixed error hover information not being moved to the mouse when hovering over an error

Gonna be a while before they release, but Iā€™m really thankful for this system honestly. I was this close to just making my own networking thing ala Zap except in Studio, Blink is a godsend for those of us who donā€™t use Rojo or external tooling (yet)

Gotcha. I donā€™t mind checking github / this thread for updates and doing the ole drag nā€™ drop until then haha


Blink 0.13.0

This release contains new features and fixes.


  • Added new --watch option to the CLI #9
  • Added ManySync and ManyAsync call types


  • Fixed parser resolving imports from the entry file instead of from the file that made the import

Might look into this to replace knit in a bowling game Iā€™ve been working on with a team

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Blink 0.14.0

This release contains new features and fixes.


  • Added an event polling API, check out the docs for an example.
  • Added struct merging using ..[IDENTIFIER], check out the docs for an example.


  • Manual replication function now respects casing option.

Blink 0.14.8

This release contains improvements and bug fixes.

Studio plugin is now available on the creator store, you can find it here:


  • Studio Plugin now has a more unique icon, thanks to @checkraisefold for making it.
  • Studio Plugin buttons are now much more reliable.
  • Typescript functions now output Promise<T> when using yield: Promise.


  • Fixed multi-line comments not working.
  • Fixed Studio Plugin generation errors being unreadable.
  • Fixed Studio Plugin not loading saved files if it remained open in-between Studio sessions.
1 Like doesnā€™t work

it just says ā€œYou need permissions to access this contentā€

Thatā€™s embarrassing, should be fixed now!


oh yea
i have a suggestion
you can try implementing something called ā€œthread recyclingā€
from what I know, it helps with performance bc garbage collector doesnā€™t constantly clean up a threads like task.spawn, and instead re-uses a thread constantly when possible
GoodSignal and FastSignal do this, apparently

hereā€™s one implementation, you can use this the same way you use task.spawn

local FreeThread: thread?
local function RunInThread<T...>(func: (T...) -> (), ...: T...): ()
	local HoldThread = FreeThread :: thread
	FreeThread = nil
	FreeThread = HoldThread

local function CreateThread(): ()
	FreeThread = coroutine.running()
	while true do RunInThread(coroutine.yield()) end

local function spawn<T...>(functionOrThread: (T...) -> () | thread, ...: T...): thread
	if type(functionOrThread) == "thread" then return task.spawn(functionOrThread, ...) end
	if not FreeThread then task.spawn(CreateThread) end
	return task.spawn(FreeThread :: thread, functionOrThread, ...)

might be useful for things like ManyAsync events + a lot of .On


How to send arrays through an event, I used maps as [u8]: string but that didnt work.

BlinkServer.SendMap:FireAll({[1] = selectedMaps[1], [2] = selectedMaps[2] ,[3] = selectedMaps[3]})


  10:40:40.682  ReplicatedStorage.Blink.Server:243: invalid argument #3 to 'writeu8' (number expected, got string)  -  Server - Server:243
  10:40:40.683  Stack Begin  -  Studio
  10:40:40.683  Script 'ReplicatedStorage.Blink.Server', Line 243 - function WriteEVENT_SendMap  -  Studio - Server:243
  10:40:40.683  Script 'ReplicatedStorage.Blink.Server', Line 482 - function FireAll

I get this error

You can declare an array of string like so:

type array = string[]

Event methods are called with a . instead of a :, using the latter will lead to undefined behaviour.
Ex: Blink.Event.FireAll() instead of Blink.Event:FireAll()


is there a way to send varargs through events?

You can use unknown:

event varargs {
	data: unknown[] ā€” an array of unknown
ā€” sender{ā€¦})
ā€” receiver
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How do I send a table with different types of arguments such as strings, numbers ,booleans and etc. in one event to the client?

If itā€™s a mixed table (they can be at any arbitrary position) then unknown is your best bet, if they are always at the same position then consider switching to a struct or a type pack (tuple).

For example, If i fire an event every heartbeat from the server to the client, is it a typical behaviour for client to receive 3.5-5 kb/s if the event has no arguments?

Even if i dont limit the heartbeat function by using ticks, shouldnā€™t the packet size be like:

60 (fps) * 9 bytes (size of remotevent) + 2 bytes (empty table given as argument in the event) = 542 bytes that is NOT equal to 3-5kb

Hi, I just tried to use this but the 0.15.0 version gives error when i downloaded the plugin file in the releases page and opened up roblox studio. Error was:
Path must begin with either ā€˜./ā€™ or ā€˜ā€¦/ā€™: @lune/stdio
Script ā€˜user_Blink_plugin.rbxm.pluginā€™, Line 1062 function i
Script ā€˜user_Blink_plugin.rbxm.pluginā€™, Line 8 function load

Is it because I named the plugin file instead of just downloading what it was set to in the releases?