Hii! So I wan’t to have “VC” regions in my game so that people can only here other people when they are in Area 1 for example. People in Area 2 ARE NOT able to Area 1 voices. The best examples are probably: Dan's Karaoke 🎙️ - Roblox and Breaking Point - Roblox . Does anyone know how to do that?
Yes, I’ve looked into it but I can’t really figure out hat to use / how to use. That’s why I made the post.
Yeah it doesn’t give you a listener by default so you have to use a script for it
What do you mean listener exactly? How would I use it / what should it do exactly?
You can put a script like this inside starter player scripts:
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local listener = Instance.new("AudioListener")
local output = Instance.new("AudioDeviceOutput")
local wire = Instance.new("Wire")
output.Player = player
listener.Parent = camera
output.Parent = listener
wire.Parent = listener
wire.SourceInstance = listener
wire.TargetInstance = output
warn("Player audio listener initialized!")
This will make it so players can hear the new audio instances.
Well but for what do I need new audio instances? How will they block other places voice?
The new audio instances let you set groups for audio, so whenever a player enters a certain zone, you can set the audio group for their voice chat
Their voice chat audio emitter is inside their character model, and then you’ll have to set the listener you created to the specific group the player is in also
Oh okay, thank you! I’ll have a look into this once I’m home again.