Blood Engine - A droplet emitter system

So this is how works i think this is because of script with this model delete and it cant delete it self

I’m confident it will function as expected. You have the flexibility to adjust the DecayTime parameter to your preference if you’d like to decrease the duration that droplets remain visible before they fade away.

This is old version of blood engine module

Indeed, as I’ve previously mentioned, it should operate correctly with version 1.0.

So that means its not a bug its just will remove with some long time?

The outcome is contingent upon the value you’ve designated for the DecayDelay parameter. In the event of a bug, it’s generally advisable to have only a single script or localscript overseeing the BloodEngine module. I’m uncertain whether removing the script triggers the issue.

Okay i got it, its very usefull. Thank you!!!

I’ve just returned from conducting a test similar to your scenario, which involves requiring the module from a script that is slated for deletion. It appears that the destruction or removal of a script can result in the module coming to a complete standstill, given that the thread it was operating in has been deleted.

Yeah, thats actually what i thinked.

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How would you be able to do the blood source originating from a part just like that spinning part?

You can do this:

-- Assuming the blood engine has already been initiated at the top of your script
-- Define the part from which the blood will be emitted
local Part = PathToPart

-- Emit 10 droplets of blood from the part
-- The blood droplets will originate from the part's position (Part.Position)
-- The velocity's direction of the blood droplets will be the same as the part's front direction (Part.CFrame.LookVector)
BloodEngine:EmitAmount(Part.Position, Part.CFrame.LookVector, 10)
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Thanks alot! i managed to replicate it now

How do I make the blood viewable to all players?

Is there a way to make blood drops ignore player bodyparts? cuz it attaches to bodyparts

You can make it in this version, but in future a creator will make a more better version of Blood engine i guess

a guide on how to make droplets ignore players will be released in the future

from post that was made 2 weeks ago by author

i dont have any connacts with author, but they said on last post he will add a Character ignore

Hey i’ve been looking at the module and it’s settings for a while and I couldn’t figure out a way to change the droplets color in real time to look like water or other fluids. help?

But how would I change them in real time so different parts produce different colors?