Blood Engine - A droplet emitter system

I found this error when I try calling for the “Decal” leaf.

Here’s the code to call the module

-- Initialize BloodEngine with desired settings
local Engine ={
	Limit = 100, -- Sets the maximum number of droplets that can be created.
	Type = "Decal", -- Defines the droplet type. It can be either "Default" (Sphere) or "Decal",
	RandomOffset = true, -- Determines whether a droplet should spawn at a random offset from a given position.
	OffsetRange = {-20, 10}, -- Specifies the offset range for the position vectors.
	DropletVelocity = {0.5, 1}, -- Controls the velocity of the emitted droplet.
	DropletDelay = {0.05, 0.1}, -- Sets the delay between emitting droplets in a loop (for the EmitAmount method).
	StartingSize =, 0.7, 0.01), -- Sets the initial size of the droplets upon landing.
	Expansion = true, -- Determines whether a pool can expand when a droplet lands on it.
	MaximumSize = 1, -- Sets the maximum size a pool can reach.

while true do
	Engine:EmitAmount(script.Parent, script.Parent.CFrame.LookVector, 30)

how do i make it ignore players?

A guide detailing this will be made available in the GitHub repository in the near future.

The issue has been resolved in a recent silent update.

This module can be utilized for various other purposes. If you have any additional questions, feel free to ask them here.

I conducted a test where the parameters (limit) were set to a maximum of 2000 droplets, each being emitted at an interval of 0.05 seconds. Despite the graphics settings, the frame rate remained stable at 60 fps. It’s worth noting that these results were achieved on a laptop with relatively modest specifications, specifically an Intel I3 processor coupled with UHD Graphics. The video was captured utilizing Windows’s Game Bar.

I just realized when i was searching in module code i found more settings for this system and its called Settings

The module and its various customizable settings were previously mentioned in this post in the Usage section.

I though there was only this settings that was in Github repost and inside Template script.

The GitHub repository houses the source code, including the module, operator, functions, and settings.

any updates on making it ignore players?

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also the decal system doesnt work, either that or i dont know how to use it

It should work, can you send me your applied settings?

I’ve been lacking motivation and didn’t really bother to do anything much.

You probably write it not correctly

i just changed the Type to Decal… with the textures in the correct folder ofc

I asked for the code, not what you did.

I have new issue with blood engine module
When i walking (or rotating) away from old position its not like welded to point

did you type in decal or decals because thats what happened to me, when it typed decals i think it worked

Probably because you’re doing it on the server.

if i use it on client it will fix problem?

Try it, might work or might not.

Please reintroduce the IgnorePlayers option, depending on the hit direction, a massive blood pool will be on their body.