Bloom Turns off/on at a specific time of day?

A print statement creates a message in the output.

where is the script, what type of script is it, is the bloom enabled

It is a server script. It just changes the brightness. Doesn’t do anything to the bloom.

i think ima just give up at this point cause ive tried 300 billion quadrillion scripts and it just doesnt wanna work

local bloom = game.Lighting.BloomEffectHere
local defaultintense = 5
local defaultthreshold = 0.8

	if game.Lighting:GetMinutesAfterMidnight() > 6 * 60 then
		bloom.Intensity = 0
		bloom.Threshold = 0
	if game.Lighting:GetMinutesAfterMidnight() > 18 * 60 then
		bloom.Intensity = defaultintense
		bloom.Threshold = defaultthreshold

good idea ill try that but im gonna have to ask the question again where is the script, what type of script is it

It changes the intensity of the bloom. It is a server script. Can be placed: Workspace/ServerScriptService.

I’m probably going to get flagged again, but no one needs your copy doggo.

can it also include a threshold one too? this is the settings and clearly even at one it looks like no bloom but just extremely bright

I edited the script…-------------------------------

local bloom = game.Lighting.lvrpbloom
local disabletime = 6.2
local enabletime = 17.8
local clocktimestorage = game.Lighting.ClockTime

	if game.Lighting.ClockTime >= disabletime and clocktimestorage < disabletime then
		bloom.Enabled = false
	elseif game.Lighting.ClockTime >= enabletime and clocktimestorage < enabletime then
		bloom.Enabled = true
	clocktimestorage = game.Lighting.ClockTime

Try this and see if you run into any issues. Here I compare the previous ClockTime to the current ClockTime to see if the time was passed. This isn’t perfect (it doesn’t account for large timeskips), but I’m currently unaware of a better way to do this.

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alrighty then ill check it out and see how it does

I made a capital mistake. Try again if does not work.

nadda. even with the edited script sigh

i am seeing something but its related to my car, whenever i change the time with adonis it brings this up in output every time

That’s unrelated and you can ignore that for now. Please try my solution, as it should work as long as you don’t do large timeskips, and I even tested it to make sure.

where is the script placed, what type of script…? and when you tested it was the bloom enabled

This should work.

local bloom = game.Lighting.BloomEffectHere -- Choose
local no_bloom_time = 6.2
local bloom_time = 17.8
local __CurrentClockTime__ = game.Lighting.ClockTime

local defaults = {
	Threshold = 0.8, -- Choose
	Intensity = 5, -- Choose

	__CurrentClockTime__ = game.Lighting.ClockTime
	if game.Lighting.ClockTime >= no_bloom_time and __CurrentClockTime__ < no_bloom_time then
		bloom.Intensity = 0
		bloom.Threshold = 0
	elseif game.Lighting.ClockTime >= bloom_time and __CurrentClockTime__ < no_bloom_time then
		bloom.Intensity = defaults.Intensity
		bloom.Threshold = defaults.Threshold

Use a LocalScript in StarterPlayerScripts or StarterGui, and I tested it with bloom off, since my time started before enabletime. Sorry for not specifying.

ugh… nope. nothing. why is roblox being so difficult cmon