Blueberries™: Suspension Guide


Drama- 3 day suspension

Fights- 7 day suspension

AA- Instant fired and suspended until decided

Abusing admin commands/gears- 5 day suspension

Not listening to SHR- 1 day suspension

Bullying- 10+ day suspension

Shouting or being unprofessional in chat- ½ day suspension

Others- Anything else will be decided if it happens so don’t make it!

Not using the correct facility (EG Training in the Cafe)- Verbal Warning

Doing something highly administrative without Swinsor’s consent- 1 and ½ a day suspension

These rules apply to everyone!

These are not the guaranteed what will happen this what could happen if you break these rules if you feel you were unfairly suspended contact and SHR so that you can have a meeting were they will decide what your punishment should be. SHR court is not a guarantee! Behave!

—UPDATED: Monday 22nd April 2019 by Swinsor. Originally written by Welcome261.—

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