BlueMinion's Domino Crown

Hi, this took me about 30 minutes to make!

Screenshot 2023-11-05 09.57.20


It has potential if you cleaned it up and shaded it. But I would steer clear of all counterfeit items. Roblox is now terminating some accounts involved as well as removing UGC access. Also I would post it <a href=“ Show Off Your UGC Creations> here instead.


I don’t think they’d care for a while. There’s too many exact replics of real limiteds

If you kidnap a child, the FBI won’t care for a while, either. But when they start caring…


Its alright, I personally would have put more polygons and detail into it, but I also wouldn’t have made something that resembles a limited item.

What do you mean by this? Are you justifying you uploading this or agreeing with them?

Roblox will care, and roblox will deal with you accordingly (Remove you from the UGC program, delete the item, maybe ban/terminate your account too)

All the replicas have been getting deleted, albeit slowly.

They were funny at first, but now even I’m getting annoyed and reporting every single one I see, and this is someone who makes fun of people who buy limiteds.

I’m just saying that people are easily getting away from getting UGC deleted or their accounts terminated.

And yes I know I need to be careful what I were to upload