I tried to make a script that makes your character rotate to your body, but it looks very choppy when moving the cursor from the nearest object to the furthest object, here’s how it looks:
My script:
local rs = game:GetService("RunService") -- gets runservice
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer -- player
local mouse = player:GetMouse() -- player's mouse
local char = player.Character -- player's character
if not char then -- check if player has a character
char = player.Character
local rp = char:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart") -- gets humanoidrootpart
rs.Stepped:connect(function() -- main function
if equipped == true then
local MousePos = mouse.hit.p
local lookVector = Vector3.new(MousePos.X,rp.CFrame.Y,MousePos.Z)
rp.CFrame = CFrame.new(rp.CFrame.p,lookVector)
I tried using some other methods from the dev forum, but when I look at objects that are very far from the player, the player’s character is facing backward for some reason
Also, is there a way so the player would turn a bit longer to the position? Not too much, so you wouldn’t feel like you’re rotating a tank
For the mouse, try using this Part pointing towards mouse sometimes goes backwards - #5 by dthecoolest. This method allows you to get the position of the mouse while also being able of using RaycastParams (since it’s using raycasting), meaning you can easily remove some or any parts that can make the character have that effect.
I’m guessing you mean that you want the player to turn a little slower instead of just turning immediately. To obtain that effect, you should probably use CFrame:Lerp
local inset = GuiService:GetGuiInset()
local mouseLocation = UserInputService:GetMouseLocation() - inset
local cameraRay = game.Workspace.CurrentCamera:ScreenPointToRay(mouseLocation.X, mouseLocation.Y)
local raycastResult = game.Workspace:Raycast(cameraRay.Origin, cameraRay.Direction * 50, raycastParams)
local lookvector = Vector3.new(mouseLocation.X, rp.CFrame.Y, rp.CFrame.Z)
if raycastResult then
if equipped == true then
rp.CFrame = CFrame.new(rp.CFrame.p, lookvector)
Here’s what I got, no idea why does it not work
Yep. That’s what I tried to do.
I used the way I told you with lerping the HRP CFrame towards the mouse position, which can be found with the function I sent in the other answer.
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while equipped do
function Mouse.HitPosition(raycastParams, distance)
local mousePos = userInput:GetMouseLocation()
local viewportMouseRay = cam:ViewportPointToRay(mousePos.X, mousePos.Y)
local rayCastResult = workspace:Raycast(viewportMouseRay.Origin, viewportMouseRay.Direction * (distance or RAY_DISTANCE), raycastParams)
local hitPosition
if rayCastResult then
hitPosition = rayCastResult.Position
local lerp = rp.CFrame:Lerp(hitPosition, 1)
rp.CFrame = lerp
hitPosition = viewportMouseRay.Origin+viewportMouseRay.Direction * (distance or RAY_DISTANCE)
return hitPosition
return Mouse
No clue why does it not work.
I managed to make that it prints the hitposition, everything seem to work without any errors but the character still doesn’t lerp? Here’s the current code:
while equipped do
local mousePos = userInput:GetMouseLocation()
local viewportMouseRay = cam:ViewportPointToRay(mousePos.X, mousePos.Y)
local rayCastResult = workspace:Raycast(viewportMouseRay.Origin, viewportMouseRay.Direction * (distance or RAY_DISTANCE), raycastParams)
local hitPosition
if rayCastResult then
hitPosition = rayCastResult.Position
rp.CFrame = rp.CFrame:Lerp(CFrame.new(hitPosition), 1)
hitPosition = viewportMouseRay.Origin+viewportMouseRay.Direction * (distance or RAY_DISTANCE)
Could you send the script you’re using here?
Sure, here it is:
local char = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character;
local hrp = char:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart");
local hum = char:WaitForChild("Humanoid");
local uis = game:GetService("UserInputService");
local raycastParams = RaycastParams.new();
raycastParams.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Whitelist;
raycastParams.FilterDescendantsInstances = {};
local function GetHitPosition(distance)
local mousePos = game:GetService("UserInputService"):GetMouseLocation();
local viewportMouseRay = workspace.CurrentCamera:ViewportPointToRay(mousePos.X,
local rayCastResult = workspace:Raycast(viewportMouseRay.Origin, viewportMouseRay.Direction *
(distance or 1000), raycastParams);
local hitPosition;
if rayCastResult then
hitPosition = rayCastResult.Position;
hitPosition = viewportMouseRay.Origin+viewportMouseRay.Direction * (distance or 1000);
return hitPosition;
local pos = GetHitPosition();
hrp.CFrame = hrp.CFrame:Lerp(CFrame.new(hrp.Position, Vector3.new(pos.X,0,pos.Z)), 0.05);
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