Body parts & Rig attachments misaligned, need help

I’m using ReplaceBodyPartsR15 along with custom mesh assets and Attachments in order for players to change body parts. However, when replacing the left arm, for example, it’s completely misaligned and might use the body’s default attachment positioning, rather than the ones I created for the arms.

The issue in question

How would I go about aligning the positioning of these parts so that they make a cohesive arm, like the right arm for example?

I believe this would go in #help-and-feedback:building-support.

I would like to know if your OriginalSize was set prior to the replacement.

I would like to know if your OriginalSize was set prior to the replacement.

Thank you. I went back in to make sure and somehow the OriginalSize and OriginalPosition values were somehow still in the attachments, even though I deleted them as part of my testing.

My next task is to figure out why it won’t animate, I guess.

I made a post regarding debugging animations. Try some of the methods posted here.

Try some of the methods posted here.

Thank you for the help, I already figured it out. I have to change the names to fit their respective limb.

All’s good now!

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