okay so, i made my wallrunning in another game and when i put it on my main game it does not work?
Mainly, the body velocity goes backwards
i tried doing:
BodyVelocity.Velocity = Vector3.new(-20,0,0)
Since the original one is:
BodyVelocity.Velocity = Vector3.new(20,0,0)
I also tried:
BodyVelocity.Velocity = HRP.CFrame.LookVector * 20
and of course, -20
But its not working, any solutions? Thanks
Edit: here is the script where it created the BodyVelocity
local bodyVelocity = Instance.new("BodyVelocity")
bodyVelocity.Name = "WallrunVelocity"
bodyVelocity.Parent = HRP
bodyVelocity.Velocity = Vector3.new(20,0,0)
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I don’t really see any issues here.
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Hmm, i have noticed that they create body velocity twice, and when bouncing (when body velocity is destroyed it bounces me) it creates it twice aswell, but from the prints i see no problems…
Here is a screenshot of the body velocity being two:

here is the script where it creates the uh velocity
local bodyVelocity = Instance.new("BodyVelocity")
bodyVelocity.Name = "WallrunVelocity"
bodyVelocity.Parent = HRP
bodyVelocity.Velocity = Vector3.new(20,0,0)
Edit: since the bounce velocity, also makes me bounce twice and has a problem aswell here is the script where it creates the bounce script:
if bool == true then
local BodyVelocity = Instance.new('BodyVelocity')
BodyVelocity.MaxForce = Vector3.new(40000,40000,40000)
BodyVelocity.Velocity = -HRP.CFrame.rightVector * 40 + Vector3.new(0,50,0)
BodyVelocity.Parent = HRP
game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(BodyVelocity, 0.25)
local BodyVelocity = Instance.new('BodyVelocity')
BodyVelocity.MaxForce = Vector3.new(40000,40000,40000)
BodyVelocity.Velocity = HRP.CFrame.rightVector * 40 + Vector3.new(0,50,0)
BodyVelocity.Parent = HRP
game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(BodyVelocity, 0.25)
Legit just had to remove a script, that was kinda dumb of me…