Body Velocity isn't working

I’m not sure if this is only me but BodyVelocity doesn’t seem to work in my scripts for both client and server side. My connection is good but that doesn’t seem to be the case here and I’m still trying to find out for the past 2 hours.

i think its cause of roblox try seeing a tutorial that may help or just use

part.Velocity = part.CFrame.LookVector * 100
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What is the Applied force on the part?
What is the Vector3 value of the Body-Velocity?

It’s x,y,z values in It’s MaxForce is math.huge and It’s velocity is towards my mouse cursor.

Seems to work fine for me.
Video - Classic Baseplate - Roblox Studio (
Is the part unanchored?

Yeah everything is good. The issue seems to be that the script I made use to work before and today It seems to not and It doesn’t show any such errors in the output.

Also, provide us some codes to check, we can help you

As you say so

local Bod ="BodyVelocity",Bullet)
Bod.MaxForce =,math.huge,math.huge)
Bod.Velocity = mouse.Hit.lookVector * 100

try to add an high Bod.P, it could helps

This is unrelated but you should set the parent last. It helps performance and if you want to read up on it, here’s an admin’s post on it. PSA: Don't use with parent argument

Good idea but It doesn’t even move one stud ahead lol

It’s still the same when that’s the case. I get it that It’s useful in different aspects but not in the most basics.

Instead of doing it:

Try it:

Maybe the “math.huge” is useless now has something changed some weeks ago about body velocity

I’ve literally tried everything. The problem which might be is Roblox engine not working and rendering properly in specific regions.