Hmm sorry but it’s kinda stupid your idea
So should I keep on using bodygyro or switch?,1,1) * math.Huge
bodygyro.CFrame = positionoftower, positionoftarget )
It returns with,
attempt to perform arithmetic (mul) on Vector3 and nil
This means…
You are trying to multiply a vector with nothing
Is the tower anchored cuz bodygyro doesn’t work on anchored object
Fagit about BodyGyro, Its being Superseded by AlignOrientation. BodyGyro might make it for a lil bit or awhile but if you’re writing your code now you should use the latest so you dont have to go back to change it
Nope, the tower isn’t anchored.
You’re supposed to use not LookAt to apply the MaxTorque.
Here’s how it should be :
bodyGyro.MaxTorque =, math.huge, math.huge)
is this the gnomecode tutorial lol