Edit: I have looked through the forums for solutions to the problem as there are topics that were created, but none have been answered
I’m trying to create a Lumber Tycoon 2-esq grabbing system - As in you click on a part to drag it around within 10 studs of your character in the air, and releasing will let the part fall - It generally works pretty well, except for one hiccup at the start.
You see, BodyPosition will bug out towards the beginning and not work at all, only after 2-3 tries does it work as I hoped it would. Here’s my relevant script:
Another function provides the part the player clicks on to the this function
local function bodyMovers (part)
local bodyPos = Instance.new("BodyPosition")
bodyPos.MaxForce = Vector3.new(400000,400000,400000)
bodyPos.Parent = part
bodyPos.Position = part.Position
bodyPos.P = 100000
bodyPos.D = 1000
bodyPos.Name = "BodyPos"
return bodyPos
In the below script, “obj” is the same as “part” in the other script
local function mouseMoved ()
if dragging then
local cf = CFrame.new(char.Head.Position, mouse.Hit.Position)
obj.BodyPos.Position = (cf + (cf.LookVector * 10)).Position
Those are all the functions that deal with body position, any ideas as to what the problem could be?