What does that return.
lava jellyfish, splatted on the wall!!!
What does that return.
lava jellyfish, splatted on the wall!!!
The player gets to choose any power they want, it only allows numbers above 0, and below 50.
You don’t need the dir stuff unless you want the player to push in the direction.
Try this:
velocity.Velocity = targetedplayer.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame.LookVector * script.Parent.GloveStatsConfig.Power.Value
When I slapped a dummy, it got sent backwards. (using the code you just sent me)
Then just do
velocity.Velocity = -targetedplayer.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame.LookVector * script.Parent.GloveStatsConfig.Power.Value
This works, but I want this to be similar to Slap Battles’ knockback system. The only problem when I used the code is that the dummy doesn’t go up a little like it does in Slap Battles.
Make the player jump.
Too low still.
Change the JumpPower before jumping and then after jumping set it back to the original JumpPower.
Doesn’t work, I feel like the dir thing worked better.
Can you share the rblx file or game?
Can I send game link?
The version, the game is currently running is the version that I first showed in the post (the one with no changes yet)
It works fine!
But if you want here it is:
velocity.Velocity = -targetedplayer.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame.LookVector + Vector3.new(0, 0.7, 0) * script.Parent.GloveStatsConfig.Power.Value
It works fine in most cases, the thing is there is a chance the player will dissappear all the sudden.
Can you please show a video?
I’ll try to get one.
It didn’t work when I used that script, I tried multiplying the Vector3.new by the glove’s power, still didn’t work. But I instead, multiplied the X, and Z manually. It ended up working. Thanks @IAmBanFor_Devforum! I’ll let you know if it’s still broken.
To those who need to know the solutions, give a manual value to Y.