"Boids" Flocking Swarming Simulation Luau Algorithm - Library Animated Bird+Bats+Insects V.1.3 [Open Source] FREE MODEL

This is incredibly cool! Brilliant work!

I have made several attempts in the past to implement Boids in an RTS project, and seeing this has revitalized the idea once more! I may just get to see my army of chibi knights, thanks to you! :smile:

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Nice! Let me know if you have any issues or need any help implementing something. Happy to help :smile:
I think you could execute the function to follow a player or any moving object really by configuring the focus object or adding to the module to define a object to follow instead of the physics object.
Last thing I did on this project was update the model to its current version.

In terms of additions to this library by me I have no current ideas or ambitions beyond adding more example boids to the library.

You could add whatever you want to it, hope the updated code or the original source code help you with your project!

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the boids don’t appear in the boid folder when run? am i doing something wrong?

I have fixed the issue causing that today I updated the original model! create.roblox.com/store/asset/16091841007