BeachBlox Rescue Roleplay — Mental Health Support



Welcome to the BeachBlox Rescue Roleplay Mental Health Support department! This is a unique server developed by the BeachBlox Rescue Roleplay corporation, that unlike our additional departments, does not correlate to our main operations. The aim of this server is to provide individuals struggling with mental health-related issues the support they require. We provide a twenty-four-seven time of availability, that is open for anyone to utilize.

How To Join

If you are captivated to be introduced as a Support Officer, it is compulsory for you to apply once the applications have been released. The application is typically opened once per month, by the appointed Head of Support. Before submitting your completed application, you must have adequately met our presented preconditions.

⦁ You must have a good reputation in the BeachBlox Rescue Roleplay community.
⦁ Proper grammatical skills must be shown throughout your application.
⦁ You must provide 3+ sentences for every long answer question.
⦁ You must be comfortable talking in a voice call.
⦁ You must be in our Mental Health Discord server: g6UfdpsYVc

Important Links

Communications: :link: g6UfdpsYVc
Handbook: :link: Mental Health Support Handbook - Google Docs

Contact Information

Any questions or concerns in regards to the Mental Health Support department should be addressed with one of the listed users below accordingly.

Head of Mental Health