"Bone" Instance causes extreme lag in studio when resizing/duplicating parts


I have a Bone located in ReplicatedStorage. Originally it was located inside of a MeshPart in workspace, and I tried to solve it by moving it to ReplicatedStorage. When this bone is in the game hierarchy, resizing any part in workspace causes extreme lag. If I delete the Bone, the problem goes away.


Note: this happens to everyone working with me on Team Create. so it basically makes PS99 impossible to work on…

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oh boy. studio is bricked. even after deleting all Bones in the game, it’s impossible to resize/copy assets without the entire thing halting up…

just realized this is a duplicate post, sorry about that.

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There might still be odd implementation details with skinned meshparts, you should try putting all of rigged and skinned meshparts in your game inside of their own model instance (group each of them even if they’re the only child, just make sure they each have a model ancestor). You can use the explorer search bar to search for specific classes, you can find all bones this way.

Is this a skinned MeshPart with no ancestor Model between it and Workspace? In that case it will ruin perf in the way you describe because it will turn the entire Workspace into a skinning island. This is not a bug, I believe you’ll also see a warning in the output about that setup being a bad idea.

If not, could you share a minimal repro of this? (the offending mesh in a place with bad perf)