Boolean Value Data Save Help

no I added a waitforchild for the axes folder.

oh, well it still did not work.

It SHOULD look like the following:

local DataStoreService = game:GetService("DataStoreService")

local ds = DataStoreService:GetDataStore("datatest")

	local axes ="Folder",plr)
	axes.Name = "axes"
	local Homemadeaxe ="BoolValue",axes)
	Homemadeaxe.Name = "Homemadeaxe"
	local Normalaxe ="BoolValue",axes)
	Normalaxe.Name = "Normalaxe"
	local dataofuser = ds:GetAsync(plr.UserId)
	if dataofuser ~= nil then -- anything but nil
		print("Found data for " .. plr.Name)
		Homemadeaxe.Value = ds[1]
		Normalaxe.Value = ds[2]
		print("Replacing no data with new data.")
		Homemadeaxe = true
		Normalaxe = false

	local datasave = {}
	table.insert(datasave, plr:WaitForChild("axes"):WaitForChild("Homemadeaxe"):WaitForChild("BoolValue").Value)
	table.insert(datasave, plr:WaitForChild("axes"):WaitForChild("Normalaxe"):WaitForChild("BoolValue").Value)
	local success,response = pcall(function()
		ds:SetAsync(plr.UserId, datasave)

	if success then
		print("succesfully saved data of " .. plr.Name)

sadly, it did not work, do you have any other ideas?

Like @PostedDevOfficial said, you’re not looking in the right place. Don’t use WaitForChild there either. I would also like to point out both of you were attempting to find an instance that does not exist, the BoolValue under each axe, because it was never created. This causes WaitForChild to yield infinitely.

local function save(player:Player)
    local saveData = {
        [1] = plr.axes.Homemadeaxe.Value,
        [2] = plr.axes.Normalaxe.Value

    local attempt = 0
    local success
    local result

        success, result = pcall(dataStore.UpdateAsync, dataStore, plr.UserId, function(old) return saveData end)
        attempt += 1
        success or attempt == 3
    if not success then


I think you also need a BindToClose subprogram. This can ensure the game has enough time to save all player’s data before it closes. You can add this at the bottom:

local runService = game:GetService("RunService")
local players = game:GetService("Players")

    if runService:IsStudio() or #players:GetPlayers() <= 1 then task.wait(3) return nil end
    for _, player in next, players:GetPlayers(), nil do

You should also use a pcall for GetAsync.

where would i put this in my script?

Replace your game.Players.PlayerRemoving with the top script (include the connection) and add the other script at the bottom. Put the services at the top, though.

on line 4 of the second script it is saying Untitled Game @ 07 May 2024 17:07 auto-recovery file was created - Studio
17:07:11.070 ServerScriptService.Axes:48: Expected ‘(’, ‘{’ or when parsing function call, got ‘<=’

My bad, I kind of forgot the parenthesis after GetPlayers… I fixed it in the script. Please also make sure to wrap GetAsync in a pcall.

where would i put the getasync

In your PlayerAdded code.

Just changes to:

local success, dataofuser = pcall(ds.GetAsync, ds, plr.UserId)

if not success then
    plr:Kick("Failed to load data. Please rejoin!")

It just prevents further issues.

is this right, I am having issues on line 11 and line 18

local function save(player:Player)
	local saveData = {
		[1] = player.axes.Homemadeaxe.Value,
		[2] = player.axes.Normalaxe.Value

	local attempt = 0
	local result

		local success, dataofuser = pcall(ds.GetAsync, ds, player.UserId)
		attempt += 1
	success or attempt == 3
	if not success then
		player:Kick("Failed to load data. Please rejoin!")

local runService = game:GetService("RunService")
local players = game:GetService("Players")

	if runService:IsStudio() or pcall(#players:GetPlayers <= 1) then task.wait(3) return nil end
	for _, player in next, players:GetPlayers(), nil do


No. I told you to put it in your PlayerAdded code, and quoted which part of your script you should replace.

You also do not need any kind of pcall in the BindToClose code, it will error because you aren’t passing a function to it.

Please refer to my previous code I sent for the saving, and replace the GetAsync code you currently have in the joining code with the code I sent.

GetAsync is for loading data, UpdateAsync, SetAsync and IncrementAsync are for saving data. In this case, I used UpdateAsync in my example.

sorry for the misinterperation, it is saying that 1 is not a vlid member of datastore "datasotreservice.datatest?

You seem to have made a slight spelling error. Change UpdateAsynic to UpdateAsync.

It’s just a route to data saving that doesn’t require making another function, putting dot notation in the pcall.

Hang on, you edited your post.

sorry but in my script it is UpdateAsync also can help me with the savedata thing it is sayiong that 1 is not part of datastore srevice.datatest

What line is that error coming from? The part you quoted seems fine.

Please include the surrounding code as well as the line number.

im sorry

local function save(player:Player)
	local saveData = {
		[1] = player.axes.Homemadeaxe.Value,
		[2] = player.axes.Normalaxe.Value

Dont be sorry, theres nothing to apologise for.

That code all looks fine as well, are you sure that’s where it’s erroring? Can you send your new save code?

whoops wrong area

if not success then
		plr:Kick("Failed to load data. Please rejoin!")
	if dataofuser ~= nil then -- anything but nil
		print("Found data for " .. plr.Name)
		Homemadeaxe.Value = ds[1]
		Normalaxe.Value = ds[2]
		print("Replacing no data with new data.")
		Homemadeaxe = true
		Normalaxe = false