Botnetic | Ranking Services & Many more! [SERVING 300k+ Users!]

Welcome to Botnetic’s Devforum Page!

Things that you need to know:

Botnetic is a paid and recurring subscription.

Botnetic is heavily feature rich & customizable.

The support team at Botnetic will always be willing to help and will respond very quickly.


Botnetic - a Discord bot that provides an easy and fluid experience to manage a Roblox group from the comfort of a Discord channel…
Botnetic comes armed and loaded with a various amount of Management, Moderation and user friendly configuration commands.

Botnetic’s Development team is always hard at work making new features and commands; and they’ll always be looking for new suggestions,
in the support server for new and incredibly thought of ideas.

Since nothing in this world is perfect, including us, you can imagine that Botnetic will have a
few uncommon hitches here and there that’s, why the Development Team takes pride in
their speedy response times to fix errors and bugs to make the user experience the best
it possibly can be.

Example of Commands

  • help

    Displays all the avaliable commands.

  • info

    Gives you the general information about the bot.

  • promote [@USER] or [ROBLOX USERNAME]

    Promotes the specified user by one rank.

  • demote [@USER] or [ROBLOX USERNAME]

    Demotes the specified user by one rank.

  • setrank [@USER] [RANK NAME]

    Sets the specified user’s rank to the one specified.


    Kicks the specified user out of the group.

  • shout [MESSAGE]

    Shouts the specified message onto the group wall.

  • joinrequests (accept or decline) (ROBLOX USERNAME)

    Accept or decline a user from joining the group/show all join requests.

  • play [Song Name]

    Plays the specified song.

  • autobind

    Gives you the option to automatically re-create all the Roblox group roles in the Discord
    server and automatically bind them.

  • subgroups (-add, -remove, -list, -getranks, -autobind, -bind, -delbind)

    A subgroup will act like the main group; although you cannot use Roblox commands on it
    (such as: promote, demote, setrank and exile)

  • webhooks (setup, remove)

    Setup or remove custom webhooks for Botnetic.

To see more commands, join our support server and have a flick through our help menu.

Our Support Server.
Our Website.

We also provide Roblox Services.

Quiz Centers.
Answer questions and if you get your questions correct you’ll get auto-ranked

Donation Centers.
Donation Centers are great for studios, you can supply a ammount and it will automatically create a dev product.

Ranking Sticks.
We have 3 sticks Fire, Promote, Demote.

In-game ranking commands.
In-game-ranking like if you say !promote Lebyy_Dev in game it’ll promote you.

Application Center.
A basic application-center.

Rank Management Center.
A basic Rank center where you can buy ranks.

Auto-Point Ranking System.
This is great for hotels where you have points and you can set the points and you’ll get auto ranked.

Discord Bot Prices
Tax is applied on the shirts.

1 Month 5 Usd/ 500 Robux.

3 Months 15 Usd/ 1.5k Robux

1 Year 50 Usd/ 5k Robux

Extra Slot 3.50 Usd/ 300 Robux

Roblox Services Prices
Tax is applied on the game-passes.

1 Month Service - $5 or R$500

3 Months Service - $10 or R$800

1 Year Service - $25 or R$2500

Lifetime - $50 or R$5000

Extra Slot - $1 or R$100

Extra Service - $4 or R$400


Our Discord Server.
Our Website.
My Discord. (Lebyy_Dev#3665)
Thank you!
Lebyy_Dev - Founder of Botnetic.


Serving 300k+ Members! Thank you all! :slight_smile:

1 Like

Why is there a Linked topic to a How-To Tutorial?
Are you using glitch to host this?

Hey @baconhairmanfur2,

To your dismay, Botnetic (Discord Bot) or any of Botnetic’s Roblox services aren’t hosted on Glitch or any free or limited resource hosting service.

All of Botnetic’s products are either hosted on my personal Linux server (Ubuntu 18.04) - if you don’t believe me, please join our Discord Server and run the !stats command, Botnetic (The Discord Bot) will return a real-time response of the usage statistics of Botnetic on my private server.

Could you please reply with the “How-to” tutorial you’re referring to?

Thanks for the concern,

Botnetic, Owner.

it’s @bacionhairmanfur2
And I was asking if this is hosted on glitch because I saw a How-To-tutorial

It’s on “how to create a rank management system using glitch”

Hey @bacionhairmanfur2,

Just read through that topics post and I couldn’t find any mention of Botnetic in it - possibly someone mentioned it in the comments and that’s why it came up.
(I’m not a big Roblox DevForum user, I’m not too sure how it works).

Although, rest to sure - Botnetic’s services aren’t ran on Glitch, or any other free hosting provider.


Owner, Botnetic.

Selling assets isn’t allowed on the DevForum and thus this post has been locked and unlisted.

Please DM @DevEngagementTeam if you have any further questions.

Developer Engagement Team