BotStop | Stop bots before they affect your game!

i guess this many be true but i don’t know

Why not just filter “.com”,”.org” so people won’t see it, unless this hasn’t been implemented already. If it hasn’t it would be very useful.

This is completely uses considering a bot can just fire a remote with the code that is stored in the textlabel. Also no security for server hopping at all so this is pretty much just extra steps to play a game. I have made a secured captcha that is pretty hard to bypass unlike this which takes no effort at all.

This is a good idea, but there’s certain flaws that can render this useless:

  • The code is a plain textlabel inside a gui which is REALLY easy to script a “bypass” for, a more preferible way of approaching it would be to split each letter into it’s own textlabel so it’s harder to access and maybe add other distracting elements in the background so people can’t just OCR the code and use that, here’s an example of what i’m referring to

  • The gui design could definitively be improved

  • This wouldn’t stop bots that much since they’re still able to fire the chat remote and leave, it would stop them from playing the game however but most bots just join a server, chat the scam link then leave, this could be really hard to control so i won’t complain about it much

Aside from that i can see this maybe being useful for new devs to secure their games, but for that to happen there needs to be a lot of improvements first


By version 4, I plan on pulling all the stops to security updates. Could take a while.

What I intend to implement isn’t textlabel-based rendering. It should be ViewportFrame-based rendering. A completed version of this should be nigh impossible to bypass.

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Are you planning to make the characters into parts? because they can just be added to a list of meshes/union ids to easily code it.

Yep. That’s the plan. I plan to roll it out along with some extra features that shall remain confidential.

I made my own captcha game which has unique security features to prevent bypassing with scripts and ocr. Though it’s not that hard to reverse engineer it with scripts to crack the code if you know how it works.

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I gotta be honest, I can’t see myself using this. Captchas on the website alone are bad enough, if I were to implement this in a game it would just lower visits and player satisfaction

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Until this is implemented, it is ultimately useless. Even with this, so basic code can find out what order the letters are in and what letters they are. I am occasionally a white-hat hacker and can think of an easy script to circumvent this captcha.

The only way to make this somewhat effective is to make it image-based, but even then, there are countless modules out there that already do this effectively.

Also the GUI is ok, certainly not special. I would spend more time improving it.

Cool work!! Is it possible you could modify the chat scripts, to also disable the remotes until the captcha is done? This way the bots can’t just fire the remote directly.

Sorry for your complaints. I originally thought this would work, but it seems that bots were more complex than I imagined…

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I like this idea but,

  • Players dont like captchas, you will lose some of your players if you put a captcha on.
  • The text is super easy ti read for bots
  • People who have issues like dyslexia are not able to join the game since there is no volume to it.

I like this idea but there is a lot of issues.

I credited you in a post of mine for BotStop.

I’m not sure how active you are on this anymore, but…
I help protect people’s games from exploits, and it was extremely easy to bypass this with probably the most common exploit on the market, and a free script.

A good resource, but very easy to bypass.

Yes, I am active! Just a quick question: Do Instance-related events in PlayerGui fire on the server? I might add server-sided delete protection.

I think I know what you mean by this, but I’m not too sure. I don’t believe the server would be able to tell if a GUI is deleted, if that’s what you mean. . As far as I can tell, the entire system is enabling the chat if the player gets the captcha correct Deleting the GUI is simply getting it out of the way, and enabling the chat is pretty much bypassing the system. Does it kick players if they take too long to answer?

Sorry if some of my typing is bad english is not my first language